The Ally filter provides accessibility scores and tools for files uploaded to Moodle by teachers. It also provides alternative download types to enhance accessibility - e.g. audio, braille, etc
The Ally filter can be downloaded from:
The filter should be located and named as: [yourmoodledir]/filter/ally
For the filter to function it is necessary to download and configure the Ally admin tool:
Instructions on how to do so are available in the file for the admin tool.
The filter will be functional after the Ally admin tool has been successfully configured and your Ally representative has finalised the setup.
The filter should automatically add two new icons to non-image files created by teachers (.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .html). For teachers, a feedback icon and an alternative downloads icon will display. For students, only the alternative downloads icon will display.
For teachers, a feedback icon will be shown. For any potentially seizure inducing images, a seizure guard will be displayed over the image. For students, only the seizure guard will be shown for images capable of inducing seizures.
The teacher feedback icon is a little meter indicator with 3 states :
- (red) low, requires improvement
- (amber) medium, has areas for improvement
- (green) high accessibility. On clicking the feedback icon, the feedback modal is displayed. This modal will offer advice on how to improve the accessibility of the file. In some cases the feedback modal will also present options to automatically correct or improve accessibility.
The download icon allows students to download accessible versions. When clicked, a modal appears where a student can select the alternative version they wish to download.
- Remove the
plugins from the Moodle folder:- [yourmoodledir]/admin/tool/ally
- [yourmoodledir]/filter/ally
- [yourmoodledir]/report/allylti
- Access the plugin uninstall page: Site Administration > Plugins > Plugins overview
- Look for the removed plugins and click on uninstall for each plugin.
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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