Defensive-Stock-Screener Public
This is a stock screener that allows people to sort through a list of stocks and filter out undervalued/defensive stocks
vue-onsenui-kitchensink Public
Forked from frandiox/vue-onsenui-kitchensinkVue.js + Onsen UI Kitchen Sink Example
Vue UpdatedMay 15, 2017 -
Ubersicht-HKWeather Public
Übersicht Mac Destop Widget - Hong Kong Weather
CoffeeScript UpdatedAug 10, 2014 -
parallaxDiv.js Public
parallaxdiv.js is a jQuery plugin that you can create simple background parallax effect in specific div
JavaScript UpdatedMar 6, 2014 -
LocBasedFullScrFlickr Public
Location based javascript display fullscreen flickr photos
UpdatedJan 28, 2014