A self-hosted open source photo management service. This is the repository of the backend.
A fully-featured client and scrobbler with Shazam-like scrobbling, a collage generator, home screen widgets, and more!
Google Firestore Emulator Docker Image
Intercept HTTP requests at the Python socket level. Fakes the whole socket module
A utility for mocking out the Python Requests library.
Docker build script for Arch Linux base with ruTorrent, rTorrent, autodl-irssi, Privoxy and OpenVPN
Node.js test runner that lets you develop with confidence 🚀
node.js helper lib for creating CLI tools with subcommands; think `git`, `svn`, `zfs`
Get up and running with Jenkins on Google Kubernetes Engine
Continuously deploy feature branches to your Kubernetes cluster
playing game card element based on ES6 and Polymer 2.0
🔐 Secret store to be used on Docker image building
Test'em 'Scripts! A test runner that makes Javascript unit testing fun.
An implementation of the mediator pattern for asynchronous events in Javascript
Billiard ball physics engine and associated experimental desktop metaphor. The idea is to be able to create natural groupings of user objects by simply piling them up rather then by creating and fi…
Java XMPP command line client. Primarily written as a learning exercise when I was familiarising myself with XMPP. Useful for some testing situations but I wouldn't recommend it for serious use.
Front end for creating intervals for use with my custom fullCallendar interval layouts
Provides examples of using the S object in the Lift RestHelper. Indicates a possible bug with setHeader
Full-sized drag & drop event calendar (jQuery plugin)
playground for me to mess around with HTML5 fractal drawing. Largely nicked from other people.
Full-sized drag & drop event calendar in JavaScript