Backend for my application. Using FastAPI, combining the google calendar and chatGPT API's
Just run the file and that's it
In the file I call a file named credentials.json, you have to add your own google calendar credentials there, nevertheless, sometimes it works with the path "credentials.json" and sometimes with the path "src/credentials.json"
Also, it does not have a mean to interrupt the authentication flow once it's started, which might be annoying for the user experience.
The frontend must include:
A conversation chat. for that, use the endpoints /openAI/llm/response
Option for adding a google calendar account's events. for that, use the pipeline of endpoints: /calendar/authorize and /calendar/get-calendar-events /calendar/credentials-info it needs the start and end dates, use a calendar input in the HTML for doing so. Watch out the format 2023-03-15T00:00:00Z
Option for resetting all the application context. for that, use pipeline of endpoints: /calendar/delete-tokens /openAI/delete-text /openAI/create-text
Et voilà