orbit Public
Forked from google/orbitC/C++ Performance Profiler
C++ BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedDec 5, 2022 -
qmk_firmware Public
Forked from qmk/qmk_firmwareOpen-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families
C Other UpdatedMar 29, 2021 -
oss-fuzz Public
Forked from google/oss-fuzzOSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing for open source software.
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 27, 2021 -
MVGAbfahrtGoetheInstitut Public
Tiny side project to use an old iPhone as a smart departure time screen in my flat
Swift UpdatedDec 11, 2019 -
gitignore Public
Forked from github/gitignoreA collection of useful .gitignore templates
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedApr 25, 2018 -
ARKit-CoreLocation Public
Forked from AndrewHartAR/ARKit-CoreLocationCombines the high accuracy of AR with the scale of GPS data.
Swift MIT License UpdatedMar 29, 2018 -
ARKit-FloorIsLava Public
Forked from arirawr/ARKit-FloorIsLavaBasic ARKit example that detects planes and makes them lava.
Swift UpdatedFeb 15, 2018 -
CoreML-in-ARKit Public
Forked from hanleyweng/CoreML-in-ARKitSimple project to detect objects and display 3D labels above them in AR. This serves as a basic template for an ARKit project to use CoreML.
Swift MIT License UpdatedFeb 9, 2018 -
angular-dragdrop Public
Forked from codef0rmer/angular-dragdropImplementing jQueryUI Drag and Drop functionality in AngularJS (with Animation) is easier than ever
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 6, 2015