Kubernetes kops cluster create with the terraform. Here, we use latest Kubernetes version available to kops
and you can customize several aspects, see below.
[AWS CLI] $> curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
$> unzip awscliv2.zip $ > sudo ./aws/install $>aws --version aws-cli/2.8.2 Python/3.9.11 Note: Little old version also working. -
[Terraform CLI] wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/1.3.1/terraform_1.3.1_linux_amd64.zip unzip terraform_1.3.1_linux_amd64.zip chmod +x terraform mv terraform /usr/local/bin export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin Note: Use latest version of terrafom. Code successfully working with Terraform version v1.7.5. I think,version 1.3.1 will also work.
[kops CLI] curl -Lo kops https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/releases/download/$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/kubernetes/kops/releases/latest | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)/kops-linux-amd64 chmod +x kops sudo mv kops /usr/local/bin/
Note: Use latest version of kops.
Customize the following environment variables for your purpose:
#suppose you select region "eu-central-1" and domain "sundar.cloud" and subdomain k8s.sundar.cloud
#export TF_VAR_kops_domain=sundar.cloud
#export TF_VAR_kops_sub_domain=k8s.sundar.cloud
#export TF_VAR_kops_aws_region=eu-central-1
Note: I want to create cluster on subdomain "k8s.sundar.cloud"
Create IAM "kops2" user. All resources(S3 buckets, DNS zones and the EC2 instances) will create by this user. It is recommendation. But if you want to create all resources with root user(anupam) as per rspl aws account.
It’s recommended to use a non-admin user for creating the kops specific AWS resources like S3 buckets, DNS zones and the EC2 instances. https://kops.sigs.k8s.io/getting_started/aws/
Therefore, first call terraform
with your admin user account to create an IAM user(kops2) specific for kops.
terraform init
#terraform plan -target=aws_iam_access_key.kops -target=aws_iam_user.kops -target=aws_iam_user_policy.kops_access
#terraform apply -target=aws_iam_access_key.kops -target=aws_iam_user.kops -target=aws_iam_user_policy.kops_access
terraform plan
terraform apply
output like below:--
Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
kops_iam_key = "AKIATG3UFWTEUMRMXKM6"
kops_iam_secret = <sensitive>
Now use kop2 user, to create other resources
#export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_KOPS_USER=$(terraform output kops_iam_key | tr -d '"')
#export AWS_SECRET_KEY_KOPS_USE=$(terraform output kops_iam_secret | tr -d '"')
Terrafom plan
Terraform apply
Plan output:--
Apply complete! Resources: 7 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
kops_bucket_name = "working-toucan-kops-state"
kops_iam_key = "AKIATG3UFWTE3LX24MXR"
kops_iam_secret = <sensitive>
kops_name_servers = tolist([
Note: Create .ssh folder also in the dircroty where keep all files of terraform.
### 3) Get the nameserver information and enter them at your registrar:
# terraform output kops_name_servers
kops_name_servers = tolist([
Above result came due to below code:--
output "kops_name_servers" {
value = tolist(aws_route53_zone.sub_domain.name_servers)
Note:--- Here you have to put all above nameserver to your domain registrar.
Terrafom code created two hosted zone in route53 i) sundar.cloud ii) k8s.sundar.cloud.
You need to add nameserver of "k8s.sundar.cloud" in hostinger.com as I purchase domain(sunder.cloud) purchase form hostinger.com. Change nameserver of domain "sunder.cloud", add all above nameserver which show in terrafom output.
Testing: Create "A" recored under "k8s.sundar.cloud" whcih point to EC2 for testing purpose. Check this, if it work fine, then go for next step. Otherwise wait for DNS propagation.
Not recommended, but you can create all AWS resources with your default AWS root user:
terraform init
terraform apply
One-shot installation without any customization:
#export KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME=$TF_VAR_kops_sub_domain
#export KOPS_BUCKET_NAME=$(terraform output kops_bucket_name | tr -d '"')
kops create cluster \
--cloud=aws \
--ssh-public-key=.ssh/id_rsa.pub \
--zones=${TF_VAR_kops_aws_region}a \
Or you separate the initialization, customization and building steps:
#export KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME=$TF_VAR_kops_sub_domain
#export KOPS_BUCKET_NAME=$(terraform output kops_bucket_name | tr -d '"')
kops create cluster \
--cloud=aws \
--ssh-public-key=.ssh/id_rsa.pub \
--zones=${TF_VAR_kops_aws_region}a \
If you want to change configuration of cluster:--
kops edit cluster \
# kops get cluster
k8s.sundar.cloud aws eu-central-1a
To apply cluster:--
kops update cluster --name k8s.sundar.cloud --yes
I0325 01:25:29.859604 156504 executor.go:155] No progress made, sleeping before retrying 2 task(s)
Error: error running tasks: deadline exceeded executing task ManagedFile/discovery.json. Example error: error creating ManagedFile ".well-known/openid-configuration": error writing s3://in-octopus-kops-state/k8s.sundar.cloud/discovery/k8s.sundar.cloud/.well-known/openid-configuration (with ACL="public-read"): AccessControlListNotSupported: The bucket does not allow ACLs
status code: 400, request id: ZP8BCS1E2XWRFXWT, host id: BQJrEoBe+hRQGr3xnBpt7oc0LScAzY3Az2DA/RdOM7ATrLInTd6Xk3iQYQrPVZGpTokImk5r6lw=
Use kops
to get the kubeconfig
#kops export kubeconfig --admin
#kops validate cluster --wait 10m
Or access the master node via SSH:
ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa.key ubuntu@api.${KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME}
The configuration of a kops
Kubernetes cluster is contained in a YAML file. You can configure the Kubernetes version and many other aspects of your cluster, check the kops documentation.
Run this command...
kops edit cluster --name ${KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME}
... and update the cluster:
kops update cluster --name ${KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME} --yes
Destroy everything:
# this can take a couple of minutes
kops delete cluster --name ${KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME} --yes
terraform destroy -auto-approve
- When installing Kubernetes Version
, there is a pendingebs-csi-controller
deployment. On the master node, runkubectl scale deploy ebs-csi-controller --replicas=1 -n kube-system
to fix it and the cluster should work
-Just note down As per document https://kops.sigs.k8s.io/getting_started/aws/, you may add below permisson to kop2 user.
AmazonEC2FullAccess AmazonRoute53FullAccess AmazonS3FullAccess IAMFullAccess AmazonVPCFullAccess AmazonSQSFullAccess AmazonEventBridgeFullAccess
- Output of command "kops update cluster --name ${KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME} --yes", may be required sometime.
Cluster configuration has been created.
- list clusters with: kops get cluster
- edit this cluster with: kops edit cluster k8s.sundar.cloud
- edit your node instance group: kops edit ig --name=k8s.sundar.cloud nodes-eu-central-1a
- edit your control-plane instance group: kops edit ig --name=k8s.sundar.cloud control-plane-eu-central-1a
Finally configure your cluster with: kops update cluster --name k8s.sundar.cloud --yes --admin
- Note: Keep all output of command when you create cluster, as it may required in the time of delete cluster.
Remember s3 bucket name, required for delete kops cluster