- Oulu, Finland
- https://anurajrp.io/about/
- @anurajenp
The EVM from scratch book
An all-in-one and ready-to-use LiDAR-inertial odometry system for Livox LiDAR
OpenPCSeg: Open Source Point Cloud Segmentation Toolbox and Benchmark
Safety-critical applications oriented Real-Time Operating System written in Rust
"LightRAG: Simple and Fast Retrieval-Augmented Generation"
RiscV based SOC for Qmtech Artix A7-200 board. Includes nekoRv: RISC-V 32 IM Zicsr core. And yes, it runs DOOM :)
Implementation for Unitree GO 2 in ROS 2
Python sample codes for robotics algorithms.
C++ API wrapper for displaying shapes and meshes in Rviz
Helper functions for displaying and debugging MoveIt! data in Rviz via published markers
Super Fast and Accurate 3D Object Detection based on 3D LiDAR Point Clouds (The PyTorch implementation)
Minimal subset of the trezor-firmware crypto library with support for deterministic ECDSA (RFC 6979) as needed for Ethereum signing.
The Time Series Visualization Tool that you deserve.
Another size-optimized RISC-V CPU for your consideration.
The TinyLlama project is an open endeavor to pretrain a 1.1B Llama model on 3 trillion tokens.
Barkour Robot: Agile Quadruped Robots by Google DeepMind
Verilog design files and Icestudio file for streaming the OV7670 camera using ULX3S FPGA Board
The my own refactoring codes and English-translated comments of the original repo《自动驾驶中的SLAM技术》对应开源代码
A repository to create a docker container of ROS 2 Humble with NVIDIA GPU.
KiCad template for a Raspberry Pi B+ Hat PCB.
Build your own second brain with supermemory. It's a ChatGPT for your bookmarks. Import tweets or save websites and content using the chrome extension.