The latest version is cyclops:10.0.3
Stackoverflow tag cyclops-react
Documentation (work in progress for Cyclops X)
- Fast purely functional datastructures (Vector, Seq / List, LazySeq / LazyList, NonEmptyList, HashSet, TreeSet, TrieSet, HashMap, LinkedMap, MultiMap, TreeMap, BankersQueue, LazyString, Discrete Interval Encoded Tree, Zipper, Range, Tree, DifferenceList, HList, Dependent Map )
- Structural Pattern Matching API (deconstruct algebraic product and sum types)
- Improved type safety via the removal of unsafe APIs -- E.g. Unlike Optional, Option has no get method (which could throw a null pointer) -- New data structures do not support operations that would throw exceptions (you can't call head on an empty list for example)
- Eager and Lazy alternatives for most datastructures (Option is eager, Maybe is lazy + reactive)
- Improved naming of types (Function1-8 rather than Fn1-8, Either not Xor)
- Group id is changed to com.oath.cyclops
- Versioning between cyclops-react and cyclops is merged on cyclops versioning scheme (version 10 = Cyclops X)
- Light weight dependencies : reactive-streams API, KindedJ & Agrona
- JVM Polyglot Higher Kinded Types Support with KindedJ
- cyclops - Persistent data structures and control types
- cyclops-futurestream - Parallel asynchronous streaming
- cyclops-reactive-collections - Fast, non-blocking, asynchronous extensions for JDK and Persistent Collections
- cyclops-anyM - Higher kinded abstractions for working with any Java Monad type.
- cyclops-pure - Higher kinded type classes for pure functional programming in Java
- cyclops-reactor-integration - Reactive collections and AnyM integrations with Reactor.
- cyclops-rxjava2-integration - Reactive collections and AnyM integrations with Rx Java 2.
- cyclops-jackson-integration - Jackson databindings for Cyclops persistent data structures and control types.
where x.y.z represents the latest version
compile 'com.oath.cyclops:cyclops:x.y.z'
Powerful Streams and functional data types for building modern Java 8 applications. We extend JDK interfaces where possible for maximum integration.
This is the 10.x branch for 2.x branch click the link below
cyclops is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.