Aos Communication Manager (CM) is a part of Aos system which responsible for the following tasks:
- communicate with the backend;
- download, verify and decrypt services, layers and component updates;
- monitor system resource usage;
- serve Update Managers (UM's) and Service Managers (SM's).
See architecture document for more details.
All requires GO packages exist under vendor
folder. Content of this folder is created with GO modules:
go mod init
go mod vendor
go build
Install arm64 toolchain:
sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build
CM is configured through a configuration file. The file aos_communicationmanager.cfg
should be either in current directory or specified with command line option as following:
./aos_communicationmanager -c aos_communicationmanager.cfg
The configuration file has JSON format described here. Example configuration file could be found in aos_communication.cfg
To increase log level use option -v:
./aos_communicationmanager -c aos_communicationmanager.cfg -v debug
CM needs Aos Identity and Access Manager (IAM) to be running and configured (see aos_iamanager readme) before start.
- [libssl-dev] - headers for TPM simulator
- [rabbitmq-server] - AMQP server
- [pyftpdlib] - light python ftp server
Test all packages:
sudo -E go test ./... -v