Hanlon Vagrant[ified]
Please note that the provisioning shell "script" is being ported to chef-solo, puppet and ansible.
Requires Vagrant and VirtualBox - pick installers appropriate for your OS.
Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/ap1kenobi/hanlon-vagrant ~/hanlon
cd ~/hanlon
vagrant up
Once it's finished provisioning (hopefully without errors), ssh to the VM:
vagrant ssh
and fire up Hanlon:
cd /opt/hanlon/script
Only Hanlon Server and a couple of pre-requisites such as ipxe, tftpd and dhcpd, are deployed and configured. See bootstrap.sh
for details.
What still remains is automation of image and model creation - see manual steps below...
Open a second ssh connection:
vagrant ssh
cd /opt/hanlon
Create iPXE configuration:
./cli/hanlon config ipxe > /tftpboot/hanlon.ipxe
Get Hanlon Microkernel and add it to the image repo:
wget https://github.com/csc/Hanlon-Microkernel/releases/download/v1.0/hnl_mk_prod-image.1.0.iso
./cli/hanlon image add -t mk -p hnl_mk_prod-image.1.0.iso
Add CentOS ISO to the image repo:
wget http://reflector.westga.edu/repos/CentOS/6.5/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-minimal.iso
./cli/hanlon image add -t os -p CentOS-6.5-x86_64-minimal.iso -n CentOS65 -v 6.5
Create model:
./cli/hanlon model add -t centos_6 -l centos65-model -i K3v2suiIkSYNEdx1CTKqs
Create the policy:
./cli/hanlon policy add --template=linux_deploy -l centos65-policy -m 2J5Vb2ztkks9pz1iLrCxks -t memsize_1GiB --enabled true
and the manual steps are based on Joe's work outlined in his wiki page: here