This is a Attractive Region Dashboard Plug-in v 2.0 for Oracle APEX that let's you easily create some nice,responsive Dashboard Design Cards. These Cards can be shown in a small Information with your application details with an icon.
When you use these Dashboard plugin in Apex, below sql query will help to create sample Dashboard.
Select 1 as sort_order,
'' as LINK1,
'Users' title,
'250' data,
'fa-users fa-fw fa-3x' as icon_class,
'dark-blue' as class1,
'dark-blue' as class2,
'' as link
from dual
union all
Select 2 as sort_order,
'' as LINK1,
'Online' title,
'150' data,
'fa-phone fa-fw fa-3x' as icon_class,
'red' as class1,
'red' as class2,
'' as link
from dual
union all
Select 3 as sort_order,
'' as LINK1,
'Off-line' title,
'100' data,
'fa-area-chart fa-fw fa-3x' as icon_class,
'orange' as class1,
'orange' as class2,
'' as link
from dual
union all
Select 4 as sort_order,
'' as LINK1,
'Pending' title,
'250' data,
'fa fa-download fa-fw fa-3x' as icon_class,
'green' as class1,
'green' as class2,
'' as link
from dual
Note:-In the Latest Verison Please use below CSS code in your page.
.apex-row {
display: block;
flex-wrap: wrap;
For working Demo just click on:
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