an Active Record plugin that makes it easier to work with the money gem
Simple geocoding for Active Record models
Audited (formerly acts_as_audited) is an ORM extension that logs all changes to your Rails models.
Collective Idea's Awesomeness. A collection of useful Rails bits and pieces.
A Capistrano extension for managing and running your app on Amazon EC2.
I suppose it's a document database. Or a tuple store. But really, it's just data sloshing around, waiting to be used.
Easy and customizable generation of forged data.
Useful pieces of JavaScript. Some old, some new.
a Scheme written in Ruby, but implemented on the bus!
brosner / django-mptt
Forked from django-mptt/django-mpttutilities for implementing a modified pre-order traversal tree in django
Sequel::Model (No longer working on this project)
JavaScript Unit Test TextMate Bundle [for prototype's unittest.js library]
(experimental) Mirror of the coset darcs repository
OUTDATED mirror of Rack's darcs repository, use
Ruby on Rails TextMate bundle [master branch is svn trunk; patches to [email protected]]
UploadColumn is no longer maintained, check out CarrierWave for an alternative
Simple tool to help track vendor branches in a Git repository.
Tools for processing credit cards on the command line