i'm an associate lecturer at ual creative computing institute. my practice revolves around examining the intricate ways in which technology influences the world we live in, and identifying strategies to utilise it for empowering marginalised populations - whilst critically interrogating any hegemonic power structures that may exist in this realm. i also faciliate lab sessions for code walkthroughs for the msc data science and ai for the creative industries program.
when i'm not working, i really enjoy reading philosophy, curating endless playlists, taking photographs of pretty places / people, and writing poetry. get in touch if you'd like to discuss a project, or just chat about anything!
- 🔭 i’m currently working on: redesigning healthcare services for learning disabled and autistic people
- 🌱 i’m currently learning: p5.js for generative art
- 👯 i’m looking to collaborate on: exploring techno-orientalism in science fiction films
- 📫 reach me via email: [email protected]
- 💬 talk to me about: user research or creative ai
- ⚡ fun fact about me: i love collecting cat postcards