[sh]out is an online platform that empowers victims of sexual assault to anonymously geo-report instances of sexual assault. By visualizing a crowd-sourced map of sexual assault occurrences, people can make more informed decisions on the relative safety different locations.
[sh]out fosters a supportive community of resources and allies through the sharing of experiences and advice through the blog, and provides personalized resources to sexual assault victims based on location.
To view reports of sexual assault, drag to move around on the map and double click to zoom in. To plot an incident of sexual assault on the map, toggle the slider button to "Add" and click the location the incident occurred on the map. Input the relevant information into the pop-up box at the pin, and click submit to save.
All reports of sexual assault are anonymous. No identifying information about you is saved into our database.
[sh]out is not currently live, but we plan to deploy it soon. Let us know if you're interested!