A tool for enumerating maximal complete bipartite graphs. The input file should be tab delimited. This package supports edgelist and binary matrix format. You can try the example files in the inst directory. The output are maximal complete bipartite graphs.
The stable, CRAN-ready version can be installed with:
The latest version can be obtained via:
Load the package
Add the number of vertices and edges to the original input graph. If your input file already has these values, you don't have to run this command.
bi.format("example2.el") #edgelist format
bi.format("example5.bmat", 1) #binary matrix format
Input: edgelist format.
degreelist ="example1.el") #Compute the degree of each vertex
bicliques = bi.clique("example1.el") #Compute the bicliques
bi.print() #Print the bicliques
You can also choose the threshold size for computed bicliques.
bicliques = bi.clique("example1.el", 3, 2) #bicliques larger or equal to K3,2
Input: binary matrix format.
degreelist ="example4.bmat", filetype = 1) #Compute the degree of each vertex
bicliques = bi.clique("example4.bmat", filetype = 1) #Compute the bicliques
bi.print() #Print the bicliques
For more details, please check the documentation.
- Please use biclique/issues for how to use biclique and reporting bugs
© Contributors, 2019. Licensed under an GPL-2.0 license.
Zhang Y, Phillips CA, Rogers GL, Baker EJ, Chesler EJ, Langston MA. On finding bicliques in bipartite graphs: a novel algorithm and its application to the integration of diverse biological data types. BMC bioinformatics. 2014; 15(1):110. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-15-110 PMID: 24731198