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Aptos create-aptos-dapp Workshop


This workshop will guide you through the process of creating a decentralized application (dApp) using the Aptos platform.

Set up prerequisites


  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install Python
  3. Install Git
  4. Set up a GitHub account
  5. Clone the repository
  6. Run create-aptos-dapp

Choose your operating system below:

Prerequisites: macOS

Recommended: Install with Homebrew

  • If you are using macOS, we strongly suggest you install Homebrew, a package manager for macOS. You can find instructions to install it here.
  • Once that's done open a terminal with ⌘ Cmd + Space, typing terminal, and pressing Enter.
  • Then, you can simply run the following commands to install Node.js, Python, and Git:
brew install node
brew install python
brew install git 

Verify installation

To verify that you have installed Node.js, Python, and Git correctly, you can run the following commands in the same terminal

node --version
python --version
git --version

Afterward, you can proceed to setting up a GitHub account.

Not recommended: Install Manually

1. Install Node.js

To install Node.js, you can download the installer from the official website.

2. Install Python

To install Python, you can download the installer from the official website.

3. Install Git

To install Git, you can download the installer from the official website.

Verify installation

Once that's done, open a terminal with ⌘ Cmd + Space, typing terminal, and pressing Enter.

To verify that you have installed Node.js, Python, and Git correctly, you can run the following commands:

node --version
python --version
git --version

Afterward, you can proceed to setting up a GitHub account.

Prerequisites: Windows

Recommended: Install with Chocolatey

Using a package manager like Chocolatey, you can install Node.js, Python, and Git.

First, open a PowerShell window by pressing ⊞ Win + R, typing powershell, and pressing Enter.

choco install nodejs
choco install python
choco install git

Verify installation

To verify that you have installed Node.js, Python, and Git correctly, you can run the following commands in the same PowerShell window:

node --version
python --version
git --version

Afterward, you can proceed to setting up a GitHub account.

Not recommended: Install Manually

1. Install Node.js

To install Node.js, you can download the installer from the official website.

2. Install Python

To install Python, you can download the installer from the official website.

3. Install Git

To install Git, you can download the installer from the official website.

Verify installation

First, open a PowerShell window by pressing ⊞ Win + R, typing powershell, and pressing Enter.

To verify that you have installed Node.js, Python, and Git correctly, you can run the following commands:

node --version
python --version
git --version

Afterward, you can proceed to setting up a GitHub account.

Prerequisites: Linux

Recommended: Install with package manager

Using your package manager, you can install Node.js, Python, and Git. Here are some examples:

Install with apt (Ubuntu, Debian)
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install python3
sudo apt install git
Install with dnf (Fedora)
sudo dnf install nodejs
sudo dnf install python3
sudo dnf install git
Install with pacman (Arch)
sudo pacman -S nodejs
sudo pacman -S python
sudo pacman -S git
Install with zypper (openSUSE)
sudo zypper install nodejs
sudo zypper install python3
sudo zypper install git
Install with yum (CentOS, AmazonLinux)
sudo yum install nodejs
sudo yum install python3
sudo yum install git

Afterward, you can proceed to setting up a GitHub account.

Not recommended: Install Manually

1. Install Node.js

To install Node.js, you can download the installer from the official website.

2. Install Python

To install Python, you can download the installer from the official website.

3. Install Git

To install Git, you can download the installer from the official website.

Verify installation

To verify that you have installed Node.js, Python, and Git correctly, you can run the following commands:

node --version
python --version
git --version

Afterward, you can proceed to setting up a GitHub account.

Set up a GitHub account

To get a copy of this repository, you will need to have set up a GitHub account, so we can set up a git repository for your project. If you already have one, login to it.

Once you have set up a GitHub account, you can proceed to forking the repository.

Fork the repository

To get a copy of this repository, you will need to fork it. Visit this page

Clone the repository

To clone the repository, you will need to copy the URL of your forked repository. You can do this by clicking on the Code button on your forked repository and copying the URL.

Then, open a terminal or command prompt as during installation earlier and run the following command:

git clone<GITHUB_USERNAME>/aptos-cad-workshop

Replace <GITHUB_USERNAME> with your GitHub username.

Optional: Install IDE

If you don't have an IDE, we recommend you install Visual Studio Code. You can download it here.

Install Petra wallet

To install download the Petra wallet from the Chrome Web Store.

Then create a new account:

And switch to the Testnet network:

Create the template dApp

Great! Now that you have all the prerequisites set up, you can create the template dApp.

To run the create-aptos-dapp script, you will need to navigate to the repository you just cloned. You can do this by running the following command:

cd aptos-cad-workshop

Then, you can run the create-aptos-dapp script by running the following command:

npx create-aptos-dapp@latest

It will ask you to confirm with y on a message like this:

Need to install the following packages:
[email protected]
Ok to proceed? (y) 

After you confirm, it will ask you to enter the name of your dApp. Let's enter workshop and press Enter:

   ###    ########  ########  #######   ######  
  ## ##   ##     ##    ##    ##     ## ##    ## 
 ##   ##  ##     ##    ##    ##     ## ##       
##     ## ########     ##    ##     ##  ######  
######### ##           ##    ##     ##       ## 
##     ## ##           ##    ##     ## ##    ## 
##     ## ##           ##     #######   ######                                                     

Welcome to the create-aptos-dapp wizard 🌐
? Enter a new project name › workshop

After this point, we will want to choose the NFT minting dapp option, push down arrow key to select it and press Enter:

? Choose how to start › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
    Boilerplate Template
❯   NFT minting dapp - A production ready template to create an NFT collection minting dapp
    Token minting dapp
    Token staking dapp

Once that is chosen, it will ask you choose your network. Choose Testnet by pushing the down arrow key and press Enter:

? Choose your network › - You can change this later
❯   Testnet

It will then ask you if you want to provide collection anonymous data, choose either Y for yes or N for no and press Enter:

? Help us improve create-aptos-dapp by collection anonymous data › (Y/n)

Finally, it'll ask you if you want to make any changes, simply press Enter:

? Do you want to make any changes to your selections? (Default is No) › (y/N)

Great! You have now created your dApp. You can now navigate to the workshop directory by running the following command:

cd workshop

Let's save our status and push it to our GitHub repository so we don't lose our progress:

git add .
git commit -m "Initial workshop setup"
git push

Start the dApp locally

You can start the dApp locally by running the following command:

npm run dev

And it will be available to access at http://localhost:5173

Configure the dApp

This is a simplified version of the dev docs for the NFT Minting tutorial here

Set up the Aptos account

For the dApp to be useful, we will want to create an account and publish an NFT minting contract. First we will initialize the Aptos account by running the following command and pushing Enter through all prompts:

npm run move:init

This will create an account for the dApp to use with an output like:

npm run move:init

> [email protected] move:init
> node ./scripts/init

Previously installed CLI version 4.0.0, checking for updates
CLI is up to date
Configuring for profile workshop-testnet
Configuring for network Testnet
Enter your private key as a hex literal (0x...) [Current: None | No input: Generate new key (or keep one if present)]

No key given, generating key...
Account 0x7ea046db202cbe947dd5e0e8fe411cbfb14c5bd5c09b10e1ce43c80ec3395866 doesn't exist, creating it and funding it with 100000000 Octas
Account 0x7ea046db202cbe947dd5e0e8fe411cbfb14c5bd5c09b10e1ce43c80ec3395866 funded successfully

Aptos CLI is now set up for account 0x7ea046db202cbe947dd5e0e8fe411cbfb14c5bd5c09b10e1ce43c80ec3395866 as profile workshop-testnet!
 See the account here:
 Run `aptos --help` for more information about commands
  "Result": "Success"

In this example 0x7ea046db202cbe947dd5e0e8fe411cbfb14c5bd5c09b10e1ce43c80ec3395866 is the account that was created in testnet. We will now need to put it into the .env file in the root of the project. You can do this by editing the .env file or running the following command:

On macOS or Linux, you can run the following command filling in <address> with the address from the output above:

echo "\nVITE_MODULE_ADDRESS=<address>\n" >> .env

On Windows, you can run the following command:

ECHO "\nVITE_MODULE_ADDRESS=<address>\n" >> .env

Publish the NFT minting contract

Now, we will want to publish our NFT minting contract, so it can be used by the dApp. You can do this by running the following command and pushing y and Enter through all prompts:

npm run move:publish

The output will look like:

> [email protected] move:publish
> node ./scripts/move/publish

Previously installed CLI version 4.0.0, checking for updates
CLI is up to date
Compiling, may take a little while to download git dependencies...
BUILDING MessageBoard
Do you want to publish this package at object address 0x19232670ed920fda00b2e33baa210db21b4d5d9fc68eadf82c03000138eeecc1 [yes/no] >
package size 2210 bytes
Do you want to submit a transaction for a range of [327100 - 490600] Octas at a gas unit price of 100 Octas? [yes/no] >
Transaction submitted:
Code was successfully deployed to object address 0x19232670ed920fda00b2e33baa210db21b4d5d9fc68eadf82c03000138eeecc1.
  "Result": "Success"

Publish the collection

You will need to copy your address from the Petra wallet, if it is not already set up.

On macOS or Linux, you can run the following command filling in <address> with the address from your Petra wallet above:

echo "\nVITE_COLLECTION_CREATOR_ADDRESS=<address>\n" >> .env

On Windows, you can run the following command:


Now, we will want to publish our NFT collection, this can be done by the UI. Start the website with:

npm run dev
  • Navigate to http://localhost:5173.
  • Click on the Connect a Wallet button. To connect your wallet.
  • Click on Connect next to Petra, to connect your Petra wallet.
  • Approve the connection in the Petra wallet popup.
  • Click on the Create Collection button. This will publish the collection
  • Click Choose Folder to Upload and choose the assets folder in the root of the project.
  • Add now to the public mint start date
  • Click Create Collection and approve the prompts.

You will then get a collection address, and will need to set frontend/config.ts, and fill in the collection_id

Mint NFTs

Going back to the website http://localhost:5173, then you can click the mint button and mint your first NFT!

Push the dApp to vercel

Now that the collection is published, we will want to publish the dApp to a real website. But first, let's push our changes to the repository:

git add .       # Add all files
git add .env -f # Force add the .env file so the website works correctly in Vercel
git commit -m "Added collection details"
git push

Publish via CLI

At this point, you can deploy to Vercel either by running a CLI command if you have a Vercel account:

npm run deploy

It will output something like:

> [email protected] deploy
> vercel

(node:3905) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:3905) [DEP0060] DeprecationWarning: The `util._extend` API is deprecated. Please use Object.assign() instead.
Vercel CLI 35.2.4
? Set up and deploy “/opt/git/aptos-cad-workshop/workshop”? yes
? Which scope do you want to deploy to? Greg's projects
? Link to existing project? no
? What’s your project’s name? workshop
? In which directory is your code located? ./
Local settings detected in vercel.json:
Auto-detected Project Settings (Vite):
- Build Command: vite build
- Development Command: vite --port $PORT
- Install Command: `yarn install`, `pnpm install`, `npm install`, or `bun install`
- Output Directory: dist
? Want to modify these settings? no
🔗  Linked to gregs-projects-aeab810b/workshop (created .vercel and added it to .gitignore)
🔍  Inspect: [1s]
✅  Production: [1s]
📝  Deployed to production. Run `vercel --prod` to overwrite later (
💡  To change the domain or build command, go to

You can now visit the website at the Production link.

You wil need to configure the environment variables in the Vercel project settings. You can do this by visiting the Vercel website.

Publish via Vercel website

  • You can visit and sign in with your GitHub account, then click on Add New... and select Project.
  • Then import the git repository from your account for aptos-cad-workshop.
  • You will need to configure the root directory to workshop and the output directory to dist.
  • You may need to copy the environment variables from the .env file to the Vercel project settings.

Expanding upon the workshop

  • You can add different stages for mints
  • You can build custom flows and animations when people mint NFTs


create-aptos-dapp workshop







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