This gem checks the existance on S3 of the assets described by ActiveRecord and Carrierwave.
- It loads the ids of the object with assets in a task and splits them into groups. Each group is going to be processed by a Resque Job.
- It studies the groups of object by launching n threads. It checks for the existence of the original file and the different versions.
- It stores the result of the check in Redis.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'Cws3chk'
And then execute:
$ bundle
$ bundle exec rake Cws3chk:check
request = User.with_avatar, :avatar, 250).check
Then study your missig assets and fix them if needed:
redis.smembers 'Cws3chk::missing'
You can also study the size of the resulting assets:
redis.smembers 'Cws3chk::metadata'