- Scraper to scrape serach results on 'people'
How to run
- Open
and enteremail
for your linkedIn account and thesearchQuery
at line number 5,6 and 7. - In line number 8, mention what are the page nummbers you want to scrape from. It can be a singe page (ex: 3), multiple pages (ex: 2,3,4) or it can be a range (ex: 2-4)
- Run
node scraper1.js
. This will take some time depending on how many pages to scrape. Once done, data (name, image link, title, summery) will be saved inscraper1-data
- Scraper to get email IDs of all the connects. This is done in two parts. scraper2-1 is run first and then scraper2-2 is run then.
This scraper will get the profile links of all the connections (of the loggen in account).
How to run
- Open
and enteremail
for your linkedIn account at line number 4 and 5. - Run
node scraper2-1.js
. This will save the profile links (and names) inscraper2-data
folder. If you run this again, It will look for new connections and update the list.
For this scraper to run, the first scraper should have been run once.
How to run
- Open
and enteremail
for your linkedIn account at line number 4 and 5. - In line number 6, enter the number of profile (
) to scrape for email. (LinkedIn does not allow bulk profile views. This is to avoid that). If you enter 5, scraper will scrape 5 profiles and save the emails in the same file. When you run the scraper agian, it will scrape 5 new profiles and save the emails. i.e, if you run this three times, it would scrape 15 emails (assumingcountPerDay
= 5) - Run
node scraper2-2.js
. This will update the profile links (and names) inscraper2-data
folder with the email.