Tags: arcadien/simavr
elf: Bit of cleanup Going to clean this piece of code a little Signed-off-by: Michel Pollet <[email protected]>
Fix for travis build on antique ubugtu Doesn't have proper defs for mega2560 ! Signed-off-by: Michel Pollet <[email protected]>
misc: Spacing cleanup Trailing space removal Signed-off-by: Michel Pollet <[email protected]>
Merge pull request buserror#148 from jedahan/install-instructions Add install instructions
Merge pull request buserror#29 from bsekisser/sim-core-ror-bugfix sim_core.c: fix implimentation of ror instruction
Makefile: Bit more cleanup Added -O2 for the examples too Signed-off-by: Michel Pollet <[email protected]>
reprap: Progress Now the reprap board has fake stepper motors that know their position, with endstops (they work with Marlin) also there is a way to use arduidiot pins numbers and remap them to AVR pins.. There is a prototype "heatpot" part that will be used to collect source and drain of heat and calculafe a temperature. Also added mongoose embedable web server. The current plan is to use WebGL to render the graphics of the 3D printer... altho it's not entirely sure as yet. Signed-off-by: Michel Pollet <[email protected]>
tests: Revert a uart patch We do need the translation, as it's not one, but generation of \n\r Signed-off-by: Michel Pollet <[email protected]>