- Download https://github.com/radxa-build/radxa-zero/releases/download/20220801-0213/radxa-zero-ubuntu-focal-server-arm64-20220801-0346-mbr.img.xz
- Etch this image to an SD using Etcher and insert into SD slot on Radxa
- Plug only the Radxa into your computer. Use the Radxa corner USB C port. Like this:
- wait 2 minutes for it to boot and resize partition
./adb devices
to confirm that the Radxa is there. Use the correctadb
for your system, included in this repo../adb shell
echo "PermitRootLogin yes" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- enter new pw
nmcli radio wifi on
nmcli dev wifi connect "your ssid" password "your password"
- may need to try a few times until it connects
ip a | grep -A 2 'wlan0' | grep inet
- will show you 2 IP addresses for some reason, pick one
reboot now
and wait 15s for it to rebootssh root@<ip address from step above>
apt install -y wget && export DISTRO=focal-stable && wget -O - apt.radxa.com/$DISTRO/public.key 5 | sudo apt-key add - && apt update
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/beeper/beeper-beeper/main/setup.sh
chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh
Setup should take 3-4 minutes.
- unplug from computer
- insert Radxa into Beeper pcb and attach battery
- Charge from bottom USB C port
- Slide powerswitch to on (right)
- Login with root/pw using built-in keyboard
cd bbq10kbd-kernel-driver/
loadkeys bbq10kbd
Make sure you double check the polarity of the battery connector before insert the battery!
mic button is ctrl, alt is alt, and then sym for the character overlay
alt+speaker = tab
alt + h,j,k,l for up down left right but up/down doesn't seem to work in bash
- using version from https://github.com/solderparty/i2c_puppet