Lightweight Next boilerplate!
We had tough times working with Next to make it our beloved framework. We opened issues (vercel/next.js#3131), make pull requests and discuss a lot in the slack channel of NextJs. Unfortunately some of our must have features was not supported at that time. So we started creating a boilerplate that had all the features we wanted on top of Next.
- redux for handling application state
- redux-saga for handling async actions and side-effects
- next-routes for handling dynamic routes
- axios for making HTTP requests
- dotenv for using environment variables
- express as the server
- redux-devtools in development
- redux-logger in development for managing actions and state changes they cause
- universal-cookie-express as a middleware for easily writing cookies
- compression for compressing static assets
- babel-plugin-module-resolver for importing modules related to the root directory
- prettier and eslint configured with airbnb's styleguide for formating code
- husky and lint-staged for autoformatting code before commit
- sass-loader and styled-jsx-css-loader for importing css and scss as scoped styled-jsx
this boilerplate also includes flow and storybook that you can easily remove them if you don't like.
For more information please read the docs