C++ Redis client, support the data slice storage, redis cluster, connection pool, read/write separation.
- data slice storage
- support Redis master slave connection, Support read/write separation
- suppert redis cluster
- connection pool
- simultaneously connected multiple data slice groups
- most Redis commands have been implemented
- multi thread safety
- suport linux and windows
xredis requires hiredis only
First step install libhiredis, on a Debian system you can use:
sudo apt-get install libhiredis-dev
on centos/redhat/fedora system you can use:
sudo yum install hiredis-devel
Then checkout the code and compile it
git clone https://github.com/0xsky/xredis
cd xredis
sudo make install
#Accessing redis or redis Cluster using the xRedisClusterClient class
#include "xRedisClusterClient.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
xRedisClusterClient redisclient;
# Connect to REDIS and establish a connection pool
# If this node is a member of the REDIS cluster,
# a connection pool is automatically established for each primary node in the cluster.
std::string passwd = "passwd123";
bool bRet = redisclient.ConnectRedis("", 6379, passwd, 4);
RedisResult result;
redisclient.RedisCommand(result, "set %s %s", "key", "hello");
printf("type:%d integer:%lld str:%s \r\n",
result.type(), result.integer(), result.str());
return 0;
[xRedis API Site](http://xredis.0xsky.com/)
See [examples](https://github.com/0xsky/xredis/blob/master/examples) directory for some examples
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