Nolana is an extremely fast parser for Molang.
Project goals, in roughly descending priority:
- Be fully compliant with Molang
- Optimize for speed while maintaining a user-friendly AST
- Ensure the parser can recover from most syntax errors
- Provide extra tools for code generation (printing), simple semantic analysis, and AST traversal
Run just bench
to try the benchmarks.
test parser ... bench: 593 ns/iter (+/- 5)
test codegen ... bench: 182 ns/iter (+/- 1)
CPU: Intel Core i5-12400F
Nolana achieves this performance by leveraging logos as its lexer, avoiding unnecessary allocations by using an arena allocator, and ensuring the memory size of each AST node is small.
use nolana::{
codegen::{Codegen, CodegenOptions},
parser::{Parser, ParserReturn},
let source_text = "math.cos(q.anim_time * 38) * v.rotation_scale + v.x * v.x * q.life_time";
// Create an arena allocator to store the AST nodes.
let allocator = Allocator::default();
// Parse the provided Molang source code.
let ParserReturn {
} = Parser::new(&allocator, source_text).parse();
// Check for syntax errors.
if !errors.is_empty() {
for error in errors {
let error = error.with_source_code(source_text);
if panicked {
println!("Encountered an unrecoverable error");
// Pretty print the AST.
println!("AST: {:#?}", program);
For more info, check the examples directory or read the documentation.
Nolana is free and open-source software distributed under the MIT License.