provides clojure bindings to the Dropbox API.
In order to use this library, you need to at least setup as a Dropbox developer and
get an OAuth conumser key. Instructions can be found here.
The library depends upon `clj-oauth' version 1.2.1 and which is in
lein jar
(require '[clj-dropbox.client :as dropbox])
; First you make a `consumer' which represents your
; Dropbox credientials you need to interact with Dropbox's OAuth.
(def consumer (dropbox/new-consumer "my-developer-key" "my-developer-secret"))
; You need to do the OAuth dance in order
; to get the user-key and user-secret. You
; should persistently store these.
(let [[authorization-url request-callback]
(dropbox/request-user-authorization consumer my-callback-url)]
; User grants you access
(println "Dear user authorize me at " authorization-url)
; After this is done and my-callback-url is pinged
; (you can leave my-callback-url as nil)
(let [[user-key user-secret] (request-callback)]
(println "I have user token info!")))
; Once you have user-key and user-secret, make a client
(def client (dropbox/new-user-client consumer user-key user-secret))
; Now you can do the fun stuff (see src/clj-dropbox/client.clj)
; Upload local file to dropbox
(dropbox/upload-file client "/path/to-local-file.txt" "dropbox-dir/")
; List files in root dropbox directory
; returns seq of file meta-data
(dropbox/list-files client "")
; Get the contents of a file as a string
(dropbox/get-file client "tmp/my-great-idea.txt")
; If you want to do several operations with the same user
; on the same thread, you can save yourself the trouble
; of using the client argument everywhere
(dropbox/with-user (new-user-client consumer user-key user-secret)
(doseq [[i f] (indexed (dropbox/list-files ""))
:when (= (-> f :path (.endsWith ".txt")))]
(dropbox/copy-file (:path f) (str "my-text-files/txt-file-" i))))
Aria Haghighi ([email protected])
Email author with any issues.
- Make SSL an option
- Support creating an account
- Support the OAuth-bypass Dropbox allows. Its dangerous though!
- Fix any bugs I'm sure are in this.
Copyright (C) 2010 Aria Haghighi
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure uses. See the file License.