Hello, I'm Arif Triana from Indonesia and I'm passionate about developing websites. My interest in web development started when I was in high school, where I started learning things about it. I don't have much experience in the developer world, I have done internships at DKIS with two of my friends, I have also attended bootcamp events at Dicoding, maybe that's just my experience. because of that I want to explore more. My hope in the future is to be able to create a website that can solve problems and be useful for everyone. To do this, I use programming languages such as html, css and javascript to build the structure, design and functionality of the website. My job is to make sure that the website runs smoothly, loads fast, looks great on all devices. I also work with databases, APIs, and other technologies to ensure that websites can interact with other systems and services.
I want to collaborate on GitHub because I want to learn to collaborate with other developers and continue to hone my skills
visit my portfolio at ariftriana.vercel.app