MifareSAM is a code example on how to use the javax.smartcardio API with APDU commands and response pairs to authenticate a Mifare DESFire Key with Mifare SAM AV2. The APDU is defined by the standard ISO/IEC 7816 part 4.
- APDU.md # minimal commands-response pair of Application Protocol Data Unit for Mifare Classic
- javaxsmartcardio.md # a summary of the javax.smartcardio Oracle API
- authentication.md # a summary of the method for authenticate a Mifare DESFire card
- keyStore # info of keys in SAM
- authenExample.java # example code
There is no complete package for installation, use the java docs as examples as fit. In order to run them, the recommendation is to use an IDE like ApacheNetbeans, Eclipse or use VisualStudio Code
install ApacheNetbeans
import javax.smartcardio*;
TerminalFactory factory = TerminalFactory.getDefault(); # returns the default TerminalFactory instance
CardTerminal terminals = factory.terminals().list(); # returns a new CardTerminals object encapsulating the terminals supported by this factory
Card card = terminal.connect("T=1"); # constructs a new Card object (the protocol in use for this types of cards, for example "T=0" or "T=1")
CardChannel channel = card.getBasicChannel(); # returns the CardChannel for the basic logical channel
String ATR = card.getATR(); # returns the ATR of this card
CommandAPDU readUID = new CommandAPDU(byte[] apdu); # constructs a CommandAPDU from a byte array containing the complete APDU contents (header and body)
ResponseAPDU r = channel.transmit(byte[] apdu); # constructs a ResponseAPDU from a byte array containing the complete APDU contents (conditional body and trailed)
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