- Chicago, IL
- https://aritheanalyst.com
App that can be used in classifying the cause of an accident. I analyzed Chicago car accident reports data in order to build a model to classify the primary cause of an accident.
spf Public
A flask web app that uses the ARIMA model, LSTM model, and sentiment analysis to forecast the rise or fall of the stock market.
pneumonia_diagnosis Public
The purpose of this research is to build a classifier that can correctly diagnose Pneumonia.
aidiagnosis Public
A web application for doctors and radiologist for diagnosing Covid-19 and Pneumonia using x-ray images.
hollywood_analysis Public
The goal of this research is to analyze data extracted from various movie database websites in order to come up with lucrative decisions
Twitter-Product-Testing Public
An A/B testing experiment to see if a new product being implemented by twitter to reduce overspending on ad campaigns made a statistically significant difference.
real_estate_prediction Public
The goal of this research is to analyze past housing data in order to predict the sell prices of homes
Simulating the spread of covid using MODFLOW 6
UpdatedNov 18, 2020 -
UHPC Public
Analyzed and perform various calculation on the data extracted from the digital image correlation system. This was done to differentiate the key structural properties of UHPC concrete from the wide…
2 UpdatedAug 28, 2020 -
bayes-thoerem-lesson Public
Forked from erdosn/bayes-thoerem-lessonJupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 22, 2020 -
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Forked from erdosn/dsc-mod-1-project-v2-1-online-ds-ft-120919Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedMay 6, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-html-introduction-lab-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Ruby Other UpdatedMay 2, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-project-eda-with-pandas-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedApr 21, 2020 -
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Forked from erdosn/sections01-section03-assessmentJupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 20, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-analyzing-macbeth-project-v2-1-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedApr 15, 2020 -
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Forked from erdosn/cv2-mod1-sec01-python-basicsJupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 14, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-using-yelp-api-codealong-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedApr 12, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-mongodb-lab-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedApr 12, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-data-cleaning-project-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedApr 12, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-functions-with-arguments-lab-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedApr 12, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-using-nested-loops-lab-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedApr 12, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-while-loops-break-and-continue-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedApr 12, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-learn-lessons-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedApr 12, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-data-science-env-setup-v2-1-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Other UpdatedApr 12, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/dsc-data-science-env-installation-v2-1-onl01-dtsc-ft-041320Other UpdatedApr 12, 2020 -
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Forked from learn-co-students/python-practice-with-datatypes-data-science-intro-000Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedMar 23, 2020 -
dsc-v2-mod1-final-project-online-ds-ft-051319 Public
Forked from slmcamis/dsc-v2-mod1-final-project-online-ds-ft-051319HTML Other UpdatedJun 6, 2019