Open Reel Software
- Salt Lake City, Utah
- blog.andrewmadsen.com
- @[email protected]
- Pro
A library for producing HIG-compliant user interfaces for the Macintosh with Aqua styling
Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS) encoding/decoding package for Swift
An easy-to-use cross platform file picker for SwiftUI.
An automated pipeline for releasing apps with Sparkle
Small command-line program for OS X that moves files or folders to the trash.
A Swift Runtime library for viewing type info, and the dynamic getting and setting of properties.
A library to convert text between different cases and formats.
A WKWebView wrapper that handles interaction w/ a FastSpring checkout form
A set of registration code generation and verification helpers for Obj-C, Ruby (Potion Store), PHP and FastSpring
Curses provides a Swift object wrapper for the curses programming library for Linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04)
Easy XML parsing using Codable protocols in Swift
Smalltalk-80 bare metal implementation for the Raspberry Pi
Remodel is a tool that helps iOS and OS X developers avoid repetitive code by generating Objective-C models that support coding, value comparison, and immutability.
Tsurukame is an unofficial WaniKani app for iOS. It helps you learn Japanese Kanji.
A simple and free API to find things to do when you're bored
Kanji handwriting recognition for iOS using Zinnia.
A free, native Apple macOS app for testing HTTP/REST endpoints
A CLI for synchronously notarizing macOS applications