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Web Recon & Exploitaition Tool.
It detects and exploit flaws in:
- Drupal
- Joomla
- Magento
- Moodle
- Struts
- Wordpress
And enumerates themes, plugins and sensitive files
Also detects:
- Crypto mining scripts
- Malware
The tool is extensible using xml files.
- Use
- Or use pip to install the following libraries:
- requests
- anytree
- lxml
python crawleet.py -u <starting url>
python crawleet.py -l <file with sites>
It generates reports in the following formats
- html
- txt
- xml
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a USERAGENT, --user-agent=USERAGENT
Set User agent
-b, --brute Enable Bruteforcing for resource discovery
External tools config file
-d DEPTH, --depth=DEPTH
Crawling depth
-e EXCLUDE, --exclude=EXCLUDE
Resources to exclude (comma delimiter)
-f, --redirects
Follow Redirects
Add additional start links to crawl
-i TIME, --time=TIME
Delay between requests
-k COOKIES, --cookies=COOKIES
Set cookies
-l SITELIST, --site-list=SITELIST
File with sites to scan (one per line)
-m, --color
Colored output
-n TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
Timeout for request
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
Output formats txt,html
-p PROXY, --proxy=PROXY
Set Proxies "http://ip:port;https://ip:port"
-r, --runtools
Run external tools
-s, --skip-cert
Skip Cert verifications
-t, --tor
Use tor
-u URL, --url=URL
Url to analyze
-v, --verbose
Verbose mode
-w WORDLIST, --wordlist=WORDLIST
Bruteforce wordlist
Extensions to use for bruteforce
-y, --backups
Search for backup files
-z MAXFILES, --maxfiles=MAXFILES
Max files in the site to analyze
--datadir=DATADIR data directory
--save Save the start page source code
--threads=THREADS Number of threads to use