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Aplicação cliente que manipula o banco do promocity (


Vídeos de Demonstração:


  • CRUD de usuários
  • CRUD de lojistas
  • Controle de autenticação de usuários e lojistas
  • CRUD de promoções
  • CRUD de cupons
  • Camada de segurança
  • Box contendo mapa das lojas cadastradas

Sobre as operações para execução da aplicação

Obs: Esta aplicação foi compilada e testada com a versão java 8

  1. Faça o clone do repositório.

  2. É preciso ter o mysql 5 instalado na sua instância.

  • Obs: algumas vezes você pode enfrentar problemas com o driver mysql se você estiver usando mysql> 5.6, por exemplo se você tiver usando mysql 8 ou posterior, então você tem que substituir o driver de acordo com sua versão. Assim, é necessário atualizar as dependências do pom.xml de acordo com sua configuração e versão local.
  1. Rode o script de banco de dados e cadastre o usuário admin (armando) com senha armando.

  2. Limpe o projeto via comando clean do maven.

$mvn clean
  1. Compile o projeto via modo teste do maven.
$mvn test
  1. Execute a classe principal (SystemApplication) do projeto via maven.
$mvn spring-boot:run

Por padrão a aplicação roda em http://localhost:8080/login


  • Spring Boot;
  • Spring Security for basic login with permissions;
  • Thymeleaf para view;
  • Mysql Database or others;
  • Basic entity crud;


  • Search in the listing;
  • Model of Dialog;
  • Template for sending e-mail with template;

About Spring-boot packaging

  1. Adding Classpath Dependencies
$mvn dependency:tree
  1. Running the Example Since you used the spring-boot-starter-parent POM, you have a useful run goal that you can use to start the application
$mvn spring-boot:run
  1. How to test, execute and package the application? You have to put Classpath Dependencies
$mvn dependency:tree

3.2. If you want to run the example directly from main path source code

$mvn spring-boot:run

3.3. If you want to create .jar package application. The packaget application .jar are archives containing your compiled classes along with all of the jar dependencies that your code needs to run.

$mvn clean package

3.4 To run that application, use the java -jar command, as follows:

$java -jar target/artefactId-version.jar

For further details click the link below to read full article about spring-boot packaging:

Special Configurations

For database security, datasource, jpa, thymeleaf and session configuration you have to change values in src/main/resources/sql/security.sql and src/main/resources/


[1] Spring MVC 4. Java Framework for MVC Web Applications. Available at

[2] Spring Boot 1. It is a Java Framework (based on the Spring Platform) for web applications that use inversion control container for the Java platform. Available at

[3] Thymeleaf. It is a Java / XHTML / HTML5 Java model engine that can work in both web (servlet-based) and non-web environments. It is best suited to serve XHTML / HTML5 in the MVC-based web application preview layer. Available at

[4] Bootstrap. Vision layer framework for responsive web applications. Available at

[5] JQuery. JavaScript Function Library. Available at

[6] ORM JPA. Abstartion of data access. Available at

[7] Spring Security. It is a Java framework that provides an access control framework for Java / Java EE applications that provides authentication, authorization, and other security features for enterprise applications. Available at

[8] Maven. Management of Builds and Dependencies. Available at

[9] Mysql 5. Database Management System. Available at

[10] AdminLTE. Control panel template for web applications. Available at

Questions, suggestions or any kind of criticism contact us by email [email protected]