Computer Science Professor, IT Project Consultant about Software Project Management. Skills about Software Development, Infrastructure and Cloud Computing.
UFPI - Universidade Federal do Piauí
- Teresina, PI, BRA
- in/armandosoaressousa
mysimpleuploads3rds Public
Exemplo de aplicação usando o AWS S3 e AWS RDS
Software-Engineering Public
Forked from AlexGalhardo/Software-EngineeringLearning Software Engineering 🐢
async-repo-cloner Public
Forked from gustavogk/async-repo-clonerUma ferramenta para clonagem assíncrona de múltiplos repositórios de código-fonte.
Python Other UpdatedFeb 22, 2024 -
mycassandra Public
Forked from mining-software-repositories/cassandraAnalysis of Apache Cassandra to Identify items that can indicate ATD.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 6, 2023 -