- IR
- http://vernapro.ir/
This web application is to simplify the selection unit for students
Termustat is an online timetabling tool for university students in Iran.
Android app for remotely controlling a phone through sms messages
Open Source - Application Resource Optimizer (ARO)
An Android library containing a shamsi (persian calendar) date picker and a time picker with Material Design style
Create an awesome About Page for your Android App in 2 minutes
A simple Android app to measure distances on Google Maps
Source code related to the posts in the blog
a todo list application for android, wrote by kotlin
A simple calendar with events, tasks, customizable colors, widgets and no ads.
Powerful app locker for Android, with a root and no-root implementation
armoun / velociraptor
Forked from pluscubed/velociraptorFloating speed limit monitor for Android
armoun / friendspell
Forked from chiuki/friendspellParty icebreaker game based on the Google Nearby API
Library for easily sending SMS and MMS for Android devices
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/android-smspopup
A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
Taxi client application to communicate with RESTFul taxi companies services and send request, real time show back information for request status, arriving time and posion of the car accepted the re…
Default colors and dimens per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines inside one library.
Translations without interruptions
The open, easy-to-use and powerful translator app for Android
Android Persian Calendar / تقویم فارسی اندروید
The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
Contributed code examples from O'Reilly Android Cookbook. See #user-content-table README below!
Senior Design Capstone Project. A unique smart-lock home automation system. Designed using Android, Flask, and Arduino.