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11/11/16 Tinker calulations that need to be performed

Analyze seems to be the main tool to gather alot of the information including:
    Parameter definitions that are used
    Geometric values (Bond Distances,Angles,Torsions)

>> analyze -k test2.q2mm.key P all

Interactions and Sites :

 Bond Stretches                                 4
 Angle Bends                                    6
 Van der Waals Sites                            5

 Atom Type Definition Parameters :

   Atom  Symbol  Type  Class  Atomic   Mass  Valence  Description

     1     C      165    165     6    12.000    4     Methane-C Param OPT     
     2     H      166    166     1     1.008    1     Methane-H Param OPT     
     3     H      166    166     1     1.008    1     Methane-H Param OPT     
     4     H      166    166     1     1.008    1     Methane-H Param OPT     
     5     H      166    166     1     1.008    1     Methane-H Param OPT     

 Van der Waals Parameters :

          Atom Number       Size   Epsilon   Size 1-4   Eps 1-4   Reduction

     1        1           2.0400    0.0270
     2        2           1.6200    0.0200                          0.9230
     3        3           1.6200    0.0200                          0.9230
     4        4           1.6200    0.0200                          0.9230
     5        5           1.6200    0.0200                          0.9230

 Bond Stretching Parameters :

          Atom Numbers                         KS       Bond

     1        1     2                        4.740    1.1120
     2        1     3                        4.740    1.1120
     3        1     4                        4.740    1.1120
     4        1     5                        4.740    1.1120

 Angle Bending Parameters :

             Atom Numbers                      KB      Angle   Fold    Type

     1        2     1     3                  0.550   109.470
     2        2     1     4                  0.550   109.470
     3        2     1     5                  0.550   109.470
     4        3     1     4                  0.550   109.470
     5        3     1     5                  0.550   109.470
     6        4     1     5                  0.550   109.470

>> analyze -k test2.q2mm.key D

 Individual Bond Stretching Interactions :

 Type             Atom Names                    Ideal    Actual      Energy

 Bond           1-C       2-H                  1.1120    1.1189      0.0160
 Bond           1-C       3-H                  1.1120    1.5259     34.7286
 Bond           1-C       4-H                  1.1120    1.5261     34.7520
 Bond           1-C       5-H                  1.1120    1.5260     34.7403

 Individual Angle Bending Interactions :

 Type                 Atom Names                Ideal    Actual      Energy

 Angle          2-H       1-C       3-H      109.4700  109.4712      0.0000
 Angle          2-H       1-C       4-H      109.4700  109.4697      0.0000
 Angle          2-H       1-C       5-H      109.4700  109.4728      0.0000
 Angle          3-H       1-C       4-H      109.4700  109.4743      0.0000
 Angle          3-H       1-C       5-H      109.4700  109.4728      0.0000
 Angle          4-H       1-C       5-H      109.4700  109.4666      0.0000

 Total Potential Energy :                104.2369 Kcal/mole

 Energy Component Breakdown :           Kcal/mole      Interactions

 Bond Stretching                         104.2369              4
 Angle Bending                             0.0000              6

>> analyze -k test2.q2mm.key M

 Total Electric Charge :                  0.00000 Electrons

 Dipole Moment Magnitude :                  0.000 Debyes

 Dipole X,Y,Z-Components :                  0.000       0.000       0.000

 Quadrupole Moment Tensor :                 0.000       0.000       0.000
      (Buckinghams)                         0.000       0.000       0.000
                                            0.000       0.000       0.000

 Principal Axes Quadrupole :                0.000       0.000       0.000

 Dielectric Constant :                      1.500
 Effective Total Charge :                 0.00000 Electrons
 Effective Dipole Moment :                  0.000 Debyes

 Radius of Gyration :                       1.281 Angstroms

 Moments of Inertia and Principal Axes :

             Moments (amu Ang^2)          X-, Y- and Z-Components of Axes

                      5.163              0.707031   -0.707182   -0.000013
                      5.164             -0.408339   -0.408267    0.816442
                      6.259             -0.577378   -0.577245   -0.577427

 Internal Virial Tensor :                 310.496    -101.223    -101.281
                                         -101.223     310.529    -101.151
                                         -101.281    -101.151     310.464

The tinker equivalent of the macromodel *mmo file shoule be given as:
>> analyze -k test2.q2mm.key M,D,P All

As for vibrational analysis, the vibrate command is used, and perhaps vibrot 
can be used for torsional normal modes. This also outputs several test2.XXX
files that correspond to the individual normal mode motions.

>> vibrate -k test2.q2mm.key All

 HESSIAN  --        105 Elements   100.00 % Off-diag H    0.01 % Storage

 Eigenvalues of the Hessian Matrix :

    1     0.000    2     0.000    3     0.000    4    71.132    5    71.142
    6   132.602    7   225.599    8   225.618    9   346.870   10   346.905
   11   347.696   12   959.718   13  2297.793   14  3060.139   15  3061.133

 Vibrational Frequencies (cm-1) :

    1     0.000    2     0.000    3     0.001    4   897.655    5   897.716
    6  1245.491    7  1573.908    8  1573.973    9  1663.464   10  1663.639
   11  1672.161   12  2866.074   13  3778.983   14  3928.337   15  3929.162

 Vibrational Normal Mode     1 with Frequency      0.000 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1    0.399283    0.068477    0.189431
        2    0.399283    0.068477    0.189431
        3    0.399283    0.068477    0.189431
        4    0.399283    0.068477    0.189431
        5    0.399283    0.068477    0.189431

 Vibrational Normal Mode     2 with Frequency      0.000 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1    0.010405    0.413004   -0.171229
        2    0.010405    0.413004   -0.171229
        3    0.010405    0.413004   -0.171229
        4    0.010405    0.413004   -0.171229
        5    0.010405    0.413004   -0.171229

 Vibrational Normal Mode     3 with Frequency      0.001 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1    0.232722    0.338370    0.177048
        2    0.232722    0.338370    0.177048
        3    0.232722    0.338370    0.177048
        4    0.232722    0.338370    0.177048
        5    0.232722    0.338370    0.177048

 Vibrational Normal Mode     4 with Frequency    897.655 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1    0.000579    0.023250   -0.023839
        2   -0.014681   -0.587192    0.601859
        3    0.176378    0.310975    0.085208
        4    0.007755    0.091119   -0.084611
        5   -0.176348   -0.091685   -0.318661

 Vibrational Normal Mode     5 with Frequency    897.716 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1   -0.027196    0.014092    0.013090
        2    0.686539   -0.355947   -0.330602
        3    0.004080    0.188510    0.154487
        4   -0.363417   -0.150954   -0.154741
        5   -0.003441    0.150635    0.175023

 Vibrational Normal Mode     6 with Frequency   1245.491 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1    0.000012    0.000013   -0.000025
        2   -0.000054   -0.000030    0.000083
        3   -0.408406    0.000003    0.408379
        4    0.000034    0.408086   -0.408122
        5    0.408280   -0.408217   -0.000038

 Vibrational Normal Mode     7 with Frequency   1573.908 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1   -0.002882   -0.059835    0.062631
        2    0.016242    0.344450   -0.360818
        3    0.362565    0.405792    0.188913
        4    0.019398    0.175430   -0.149139
        5   -0.363895   -0.213346   -0.424559

 Vibrational Normal Mode     8 with Frequency   1573.973 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1   -0.070704    0.037889    0.032996
        2    0.407157   -0.217642   -0.189239
        3   -0.036640   -0.256736   -0.312194
        4    0.478709    0.319260    0.331952
        5   -0.007516   -0.295948   -0.223330

 Vibrational Normal Mode     9 with Frequency   1663.464 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1   -0.049164    0.006189    0.042560
        2   -0.069255    0.008790    0.059812
        3    0.536898    0.035217   -0.517674
        4   -0.262581    0.139004   -0.279230
        5    0.380220   -0.256695    0.230424

 Vibrational Normal Mode    10 with Frequency   1663.639 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1   -0.021296    0.052727   -0.032323
        2   -0.029925    0.073685   -0.045167
        3    0.013532    0.286346    0.139850
        4   -0.110524   -0.517753    0.459408
        5    0.380445   -0.469982   -0.169296

 Vibrational Normal Mode    11 with Frequency   1672.161 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1    0.065820    0.066185    0.065910
        2    0.104014    0.105341    0.104592
        3   -0.200333   -0.484424   -0.201928
        4   -0.487987   -0.204311   -0.200646
        5   -0.199266   -0.204526   -0.486665

 Vibrational Normal Mode    12 with Frequency   2866.074 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1    0.048899    0.048904    0.048903
        2   -0.570163   -0.570165   -0.570169
        3    0.027127   -0.066222    0.027126
        4   -0.066198    0.027082    0.027080
        5    0.027107    0.027108   -0.066212

 Vibrational Normal Mode    13 with Frequency   3778.983 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1   -0.032651   -0.032119   -0.032389
        2    0.036517    0.036456    0.036487
        3    0.337894   -0.325167    0.337843
        4   -0.322057    0.334796    0.334815
        5    0.336348    0.336279   -0.323562

 Vibrational Normal Mode    14 with Frequency   3928.337 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1   -0.020236    0.078665   -0.058154
        2    0.002026   -0.008260    0.005970
        3    0.444591   -0.456203    0.451380
        4    0.119197   -0.129364   -0.104845
        5   -0.324912   -0.342660    0.339805

 Vibrational Normal Mode    15 with Frequency   3929.162 cm-1

     Atom     Delta X     Delta Y     Delta Z

        1    0.078899   -0.021982   -0.057185
        2   -0.008125    0.002362    0.006021
        3   -0.136303    0.126438   -0.111951
        4   -0.460530    0.449181    0.455436
        5   -0.334314   -0.316292    0.331264

 TINKER is Exiting following Normal Termination of the Program

11/16/16 Planning the code route

While macromodel has a comment column to provide the OPT keyword when grabbing
data, I think the best way to handle this in tinker is to have another file
that has all of those parameters there. When the code is grabbing data, it 
will only pick up data that is matched in the parameters file that matches 
the atom types in the bond, angle, torsion.


3 terminals open 
1: Testing tinker "python ../q2mm/ -tb" in tinker_test
2: in tinker_test
3: on local machine


I can now calculate sp data for tinker structures. Looking at how macromodel is
setup in the code, one calculation is ran for each file. So for a freq calc
and also a minimization and also a sp, the command file is set up to run a freq
calculation, then ELST, followed by minimization and another ELST of that
structure. Therefore we will probably have to do the same thing with tinker.
Ideally it would be great if I could figure out if tinker allows for a written
output file, otherwise we will have to us shell=True for the subprocess command
inorder to write to a file (command > logfile) and append to a file (command >>

Also in ~/q2mm/ there is a script that has various code to pull info
from the xyz file


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