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shebang-unit Travis badge

Bang bang, my baby shot me down. (Cher)

shebang-unit is an automated testing framework for Bash 4 based on xUnit.

Just download it here : releases/shebang-unit. Write a kata like examples/fizzbuzz and have fun!

With shebang-unit you can :

  • assert equality,
  • assert that string contains or not another string,
  • assert that array contains or not an element,
  • assert that status code is success or failure,
  • assert that command is successful or failing,
  • write setup or teardown functions for a test or a whole test file,
  • mock functions to speed up tests or enhance reliability,
  • view tests results with different kind of reports,
  • randomly execute tests to verify isolation,
  • save a baby kitten every time you use it!

Now you don't have any excuse for not practicing some sexy Test-Driven Development in Bash.

Serious examples

Basic equality for newbies

can_assert_equality() {
  assertion__equal 4 $((3+1))

Awesome string assertions

can_assert_that_string_contains_another_one() {
  assertion__string_contains "Cool dog is cool" "cool"
can_assert_that_string_does_not_contain_another_one() {
  assertion__string_does_not_contain "Monorail cat" "Caturday"
can_assert_that_string_is_empty() {
  assertion__string_empty ""
can_assert_that_string_is_not_empty() {
  assertion__string_not_empty "Don't feed the zombies"

Rocket science array assertions

can_assert_that_array_contains_element() {
  local lost_numbers=(4 8 15 16 23 42)

  assertion__array_contains 15 "${lost_numbers[@]}"
can_assert_that_array_does_not_contain_element() {
  local lost_numbers=(4 8 15 16 23 42)

  assertion__array_does_not_contain 1337 "${lost_numbers[@]}"

Magic command assertions

can_assert_that_status_code_is_success() {

  assertion__status_code_is_success $?
can_assert_that_status_code_is_failure() {

  assertion__status_code_is_failure $?
can_assert_that_command_is_successful() {
  assertion__successful true
can_assert_that_command_is_failing() {
  assertion__failing false

Mock in the Shell

Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you. (Puppeteer, Ghost in the Shell)

can_mock_pwd_to_do_nothing() {
  mock__make_function_do_nothing "pwd"

  assertion__equal "" "$(pwd)"
can_mock_pwd_to_print_root() {
  mock__make_function_prints "pwd" "/"

  assertion__equal "/" "$(pwd)"
can_mock_pwd_to_call_a_custom_function() {
  mock__make_function_call "pwd" "printf hello"

  assertion__equal "hello" "$(pwd)"


  1. Copy releases/shebang-unit wherever you want,
  2. Create a file suffixed by like in your_folder,
  3. Write a test function like in previous examples,
  4. Run ./shebang-unit your_folder,
  5. Write production code,
  6. Refactor. Enough said.

Use another reporter

You can use another reporter with -r or --reporters options.

./shebang-unit --reporters=dots

The default reporter is called simple. It writes a verbose logging of test run to standard output.

You can use its little brother, the dots reporter which only displays dots (successful), S (skipped) or F (failing). Such a lazy cat.

If you are a rock star you can try the über JUnit reporter in combination with your favorite CI server (Jenkins?).

Here we use the JUnit reporter plus the dots one to display some log in the console.

./shebang-unit --reporters=dots,junit

The JUnit reporter creates a junit_report.xml file in your working directory. You can define another file with :

./shebang-unit --reporters=junit --output-file=/tmp/i_love_ponies.xml

Use colors or no

You can use colors in test outputs with -c or --colors options. Colors are activated by default.

./shebang-unit --colors=no your_folder

Run test files and functions randomly or no

You can run test files and functions randomly with -d or --random-run options. Runs are sorted by default.

./shebang-unit --random-run=yes your_folder

Test files are alphabetically ordered and functions are ordered from top to bottom by default. If you select a random run, test files are randomized then inside a file, each functions are randomized.

Use another test file pattern

Test file pattern can be changed with -f or --file-pattern options. It can be convenient to run only few tests or totally change the default pattern (*

./shebang-unit your_folder

./shebang-unit --file-pattern=test_*.sh your_folder

Use another test function pattern

Test function pattern can be changed with -t or --test-pattern options. The default is * and can be changed if you want to focus on a couple of tests only.

./shebang-unit --test-pattern=can_compare* your_folder

Convention over configuration

sheban_unit doesn't need any annotation to recognise a test function. Just write a public (see below) function like :

one_kitten_plus_another_is_equal_to_two_kittens() {

You can also use private functions to make your tests more explicit. Just prefix your functions by _ :

my_super_explicit_test_use_private_functions() {

_arrange_the_mess() {


Build your own cathedral with setup or teardown functions

You can use special functions to arrange or clean the mess :

  • setup : called before each test in a file
  • teardown : called after each test in a file
  • global_setup : called once before all tests in a file
  • global_teardown : called once after all tests in a file

Pimp your shebang-unit

If you don't like shebang-unit coding conventions like function names or test file names, you can hack the global variables at the top of

For instance if your private functions are prefixed by p_ for some reason :


Or, if you would rather live in dark and definitively turn off colors :



Oh boy you can also run shebang-unit in a docker container. Just look at the Docker documentation.

Special thanks

The imperial guards of shebang-unit:




Automated test framework for Bash







No packages published

Contributors 3

