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Tags: artclarke/humble-video



Toggle v0.3.0's commit message
fix #122 jar files exported from eclipse is too huge.

My fix is to lean-into maven, and now dragging a dependency on
`humble-video-all` will figure out what JVM you're running under
and only bring in the native code for the platform you're on.

If you want other profiles, run maven with -P... with the name of
the profile for the OS you want.


Toggle v0.2.1's commit message
Fixes accidental SNAPSHOT in dependencies, and makes demos work on al…

…l supported platforms.


Toggle v0.2's commit message
Version 0.2.0 of Humble Video; integrated with FFmeg 2.4.2


Toggle v0.1.1's commit message
version 0.1.1 -- the first release to be deployed to Maven Central.


Toggle v0.1.0's commit message
First alpha release. Looking for API feedback and bug reports.


Toggle cookbook-site-imported-apt-2.0.0's commit message
Import apt version 2.0.0