Sesscion-Key Aspect allows EoA to extend several sub-keys named Session Key.
Session keys are able to stand in for EoA private key to sign a specific transaction. These keys will automatically expire at the block height, which is set by EoA. They are also limited to sign specific transactions, calling only specific smart contract methods.
With Session-Key Aspect, you can enable following features for your dApp:
- Enable On-Click-Trading for defi protocol
- Improve UX and wallet security for mini web app (like PWA, bot and TWA in Telegram)
- Use your dApp like web2 products: login once, and click without interacting with the wallet
- Folder aspect implements the session key Aspect;
- Folder js_client implements the session key Aspect javascript client.
- Bind session key Aspect to you contract by this guide
- Integrate js client to you font-end dApp by this guide
Additional info:
Specific contract
is a contract address. For example, if it’s a DEX contract address, it means that the session key is only limited to calling an Artex contract. -
Specific methods
is a list of method signature ofSpecific contract
. For example, if it’s[0x0000CAFE, 0xCAFE0000,]
, it means that the session key is only limited to this two method.
Additional info :
is still the address of EoA. -
The signature
is generated by private key of sKey.
Additional info
- The transaction may be signed by the EoA privaten point needs to be verified by the EoA public key again if the Aspect returns key, so the joi false.
Additional info
Smart contract doesn’t know which keys sign the tx.
When the smart contract accesses
, the value isfrom
in the transaction.
Session-key Aspect project contains three components.
- Client,
, a client for the dApp front end to use session key. - Aspect, wasm bytecode deployed on Artela
- Explorer, extend Artela explorer to show Aspect info
is the client of Session-key Aspect.
It contains 3 key modules:
- session-key store
- signer
- aspect-client
session-key store offers:
generate key pair in the front end
manage key pair in the browser cache
( including store, load, clear, etc.)
signer offers:
high-level API for dApp to use the session key
load session key from
It works like AA (abstract account). For example, we can design a kind of AA that can be signed by a main private key and some session keys.
But it will be more flexible than AA.
EoA can not extend to AA.
If you want to use session-key enable AA, you have to transfer your assets from your EoA to a new AA. This user experience might be terrible in some situations.
By Session-Key Aspect, an EoA can send a transaction to bind it with Session-Key Aspect, and then the EoA will upgrade to a kind of AA that supports the session key. It needn’t transfer its assets.
Users only need to manage one key.
If you use AA, you might manage several AA wallets with different function. By using Aspect to extend EoA, you just use one wallet with several extension functions.