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Fixed issues with the new version of theharvester.
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leebaird authored May 10, 2018
1 parent 9bf167b commit 4d06a55
Showing 1 changed file with 29 additions and 34 deletions.
63 changes: 29 additions & 34 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ case $choice in

# Number of tests

companyurl=$( printf "%s\n" "$company" | sed 's/ /%20/g; s/\&/%26/g; s/\,/%2C/g' )

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,44 +372,39 @@ case $choice in

echo " Baidu (9/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b baidu | grep $domain | sed 's/:/ /g' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | column -t | sort -u > zbaidu
echo " Bing (10/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b bing | grep $domain | sed 's/:/ /g' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | column -t | sort -u > zbing
echo " Dogpilesearch (11/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b dogpilesearch | grep $domain > zdogpilesearch
echo " Google (12/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b google | grep $domain | sed 's/:/ /g' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | column -t | sort -u > zgoogle
echo " Google CSE (13/$total)"
echo " Bing (9/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b bing | grep $domain | grep -v 'Starting' | sed 's/:/ /g' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | column -t | sort -u > zbing
echo " Dogpilesearch (10/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b dogpilesearch -l 100 | grep $domain | grep -v 'Starting' > zdogpilesearch
echo " Google (11/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b google | grep $domain | grep -v 'Starting' | sed 's/:/ /g' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | column -t | sort -u > zgoogle
echo " Google CSE (12/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b googleCSE | sed -n '/---/,$p' | egrep -v '(-|found)' | sed '/^$/d' > zgoogleCSE
echo " Google+ (14/$total)"
echo " Google+ (13/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b googleplus | sed -n '/===/,$p' | grep -v '=' | sed 's/- Google+//g' | sort -u > zgoogleplus
echo " Google Profiles (15/$total)"
echo " Google Profiles (14/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b google-profiles | sed -n '/---/,$p' | grep -v '-' | sort -u > zgoogle-profiles
echo " Jigsaw (16/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b jigsaw | sed -n '/===/,$p' | grep -v '=' > zjigsaw
echo " LinkedIn (17/$total)"
$theharvester -d "$company" -b linkedin | sed -n '/===/,$p' | grep -v '=' | sed 's/[^ ]\+/\L\u&/g' | sed 's/ - .*$//g' | sort -u > zlinkedin
$theharvester -d $domain -b linkedin | sed -n '/===/,$p' | grep -v '=' | sed 's/[^ ]\+/\L\u&/g; s/ It / IT /g' | sort -u > zlinkedin2
echo " PGP (18/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b pgp | grep $domain | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | sort -u > zpgp
echo " Yahoo (19/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b yahoo | grep $domain | sed 's/:/ /g' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | column -t | sort -u > zyahoo
echo " All (20/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b all | grep $domain | sed 's/:/ /g' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | column -t | sort -u > zall
echo " LinkedIn (15/$total)"
$theharvester -d "$company" -b linkedin | sed -n '/--/,$p' | sed '/^-/d' | sed 's/ -.*//' | sort -u > zlinkedin
$theharvester -d $domain -b linkedin | sed -n '/--/,$p' | sed '/^-/d' | sed 's/ -.*//' | sort -u > zlinkedin2
echo " PGP (16/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b pgp > tmp
cat tmp | grep $domain | grep -v 'Starting' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | sort -u > zpgp
echo " Yahoo (17/$total)"
$theharvester -d $domain -b yahoo -l 100 | grep $domain | grep -v 'Starting' | sed 's/:/ /g' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | column -t | sort -u > zyahoo

rm debug*
# Remove all empty files
find -type f -empty -exec rm {} +

echo "Metasploit (21/$total)"
echo "Metasploit (18/$total)"
msfconsole -x "use auxiliary/gather/search_email_collector; set DOMAIN $domain; run; exit y" > tmp 2>/dev/null
grep @$domain tmp | awk '{print $2}' | grep -v '%' | grep -Fv '...@' > zmsf
rm tmp 2>/dev/null

echo "URLCrazy (22/$total)"
echo "URLCrazy (19/$total)"
urlcrazy $domain > tmp
sed -n '/Character/,$p' tmp | sed 's/AUSTRALIA/Australia/g; s/AUSTRIA/Austria/g; s/BAHAMAS/Bahamas/g; s/BANGLADESH/Bangladesh/g; s/BELGIUM/Belgium/g; s/BULGARIA/Bulgaria/g; s/CANADA/Canada/g; s/CAYMAN ISLANDS/Cayman Islands/g; s/CHILE/Chile/g; s/CHINA/China/g; s/COLOMBIA/Columbia/g; s/COSTA RICA/Costa Rica/g; s/CZECH REPUBLIC/Czech Republic/g; s/DENMARK/Denmark/g; s/DOMINICAN REPUBLIC/Dominican Republic/g; s/EUROPEAN UNION/European Union/g; s/FINLAND/Finland/g; s/FRANCE/France/g; s/GERMANY/Germany/g; s/HONG KONG/Hong Kong/g; s/HUNGARY/Hungary/g; s/INDIA/India/g; s/INDONESIA/Indonesia/g; s/IRELAND/Ireland/g; s/ISRAEL/Israel/g; s/ITALY/Italy/g; s/JAPAN/Japan/g; s/KOREA REPUBLIC OF/Republic of Korea/g; s/LUXEMBOURG/Luxembourg/g; s/NETHERLANDS/Netherlands/g; s/NORWAY/Norway/g; s/POLAND/Poland/g; s/PUERTO RICO/Puerto Rico/g; s/RUSSIAN FEDERATION/Russia /g; s/SAUDI ARABIA/Saudi Arabia/g; s/SINGAPORE/Singapore/g; s/SPAIN/Spain/g; s/SWEDEN/Sweden/g; s/SWITZERLAND/Switzerland/g; s/TAIWAN REPUBLIC OF China (ROC)/Taiwan /g; s/THAILAND/Thailand/g; s/TURKEY/Turkey/g; s/UKRAINE/Ukraine/g; s/UNITED KINGDOM/United Kingdom/g; s/UNITED STATES/United States/g; s/VIRGIN ISLANDS (BRITISH)/Virgin Islands /g; s/ROMANIA/Romania/g; s/SLOVAKIA/Slovakia/g; s/?/ /g' > tmp2
# Remove the last column
Expand All @@ -422,7 +417,7 @@ case $choice in

echo "Whois"
echo " Domain (23/$total)"
echo " Domain (20/$total)"
whois -H $domain > tmp 2>/dev/null
# Remove leading whitespace
sed 's/^[ \t]*//' tmp > tmp2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,7 +451,7 @@ case $choice in
sed 's/: /:#####/g' tmp13 | column -s '#' -t -n > whois-domain
rm tmp*

echo " IP (24/$total)"
echo " IP (21/$total)"
curl --silent$domain > ultratools
y=$(sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' ultratools | grep -A1 '>IP Address' | grep -v 'IP Address' | grep -o -P '(?<=>).*(?=<)')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -488,7 +483,7 @@ case $choice in
rm ultratools

echo " (25/$total)"
echo " (22/$total)"
wget -q$domain.png -O $home/data/$domain/assets/images/dnsdumpster.png

# Generate a random cookie value
Expand All @@ -504,13 +499,13 @@ case $choice in
rm tmp*

echo " (26/$total)"
echo " (23/$total)"
curl --silent$domain/ > tmp
grep -o [A-Za-z0-9_.]*@[A-Za-z0-9_.]*[.][A-Za-z]* tmp | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | sort -u > zemail-format
rm tmp

echo " (27/$total)"
echo " (24/$total)"
wget -q$domain -O tmp
cat tmp | sed '1,32d' | sed 's/<table width="99%" cellspacing="1" class="tabular">/<center><table width="85%" cellspacing="1" class="tabular"><\/center>/g' | sed 's/Test name/Test/g' | sed 's/ <a href="feedback\/?KeepThis=true&amp;TB_iframe=true&amp;height=300&amp;width=240" title="intoDNS feedback" class="thickbox feedback">send feedback<\/a>//g' | sed 's/ background-color: #ffffff;//' | sed 's/<center><table width="85%" cellspacing="1" class="tabular"><\/center>/<table class="table table-bordered">/' | sed 's/<td class="icon">/<td class="inc-table-cell-status">/g' | sed 's/<tr class="info">/<tr>/g' | egrep -v '(Processed in|UA-2900375-1|urchinTracker|script|Work in progress)' | sed '/footer/I,+3 d' | sed '/google-analytics/I,+5 d' > tmp2
cat tmp2 >> $home/data/$domain/pages/config.htm
Expand All @@ -531,7 +526,7 @@ case $choice in
rm tmp*

echo " (28/$total) bad"
echo " (25/$total) bad"
echo " Actively working on alternative"
# wget -q$domain -O tmp

Expand All @@ -549,7 +544,7 @@ case $choice in
# echo '</html>' >> $home/data/$domain/pages/netcraft.htm

echo " (29/$total)"
echo " (26/$total)"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -581,7 +576,7 @@ case $choice in
rm curl

echo "Registered Domains (30/$total)"
echo "Registered Domains (27/$total)"
while read regdomain; do
whois -H $regdomain 2>&1 | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' | sed 's/ \+ //g' | sed 's/: /:/g' > tmp5
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -673,7 +668,7 @@ case $choice in

echo "recon-ng (31/$total)"
echo "recon-ng (28/$total)"
echo "workspaces add $domain" > $discover/passive.rc
echo "add companies" >> $discover/passive.rc
Expand Down

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