Releases: artieficial/ApplyAccessories
Don't Hide Without Menu
If no menu is selected, then the accessories will not be hidden after they have been attached to the avatar. This will better facilitate the usage of more advanced avatar tools like pumkin's avatar tools together with this script.
Fix Menu Required
A menu is no longer required in order for apply accessories to work.
Fix Issue with Don't Reuse Bones
This fixes an issue where don't reuse bones doesn't work correctly.
Fix Out of Bounds Error
Fixed an Issue where Console would say Array out of Bounds. Download the dynamic bones package for dynamic bones support.
Fixed DynamicBone crash
Removed DynamicBone references as it can lead to crashes in projects without DynamicBones imported.
Fixed issue with merging bones
This release fixes an issue with merging bones.
Fixed Issue With Saved Projects
Saved projects will now no longer crash when you reopen those. Unity does some janky stuff with saving assets, sorry about that.
Also, adding a menu option is no longer required. Thanks to @BamberBoozler for reporting these, I'm working on fixing their last issue.
Fixed Root Bone Issue
There was another issue with reassigning root bones, so this fixes that issue (these came up while recording an explainer video). If you run into any more problems, please put in a Github issue or comment on the Youtube video. Once again for the full list of updates, please check release notes for v1.1.0.
Fix to Associated Blendshapes
This fixes an issue where blendshapes could not be set for associated accessories. For major changes, please view the v1.1.0 release notes.
Editor Script + QOL
This release includes a lot of different quality of life fixes that should make it more stable. Rather than adding this script as a component, it is now an editor script, thank you to @AbsolofDarkness for suggesting this. In order to use the script, you can now find it by heading to the top bar menu, and selecting Window -> Apply Accessories. All the properties are now more readable and should be easier to understand. The accessory you use to attach the component to now goes into the Accessory slot.
Certain options were removed as it is now assumed that the model contains one armature labeled "Armature", and that the "Armature" contains one root bone. The root bone on the mesh renderer of an accessory is now preserved or transferred to its corresponding bone on the main armature.
You can now select which menu you want individual accessory items to go to. If no general menu is selected, or an accessory does not have an associated menu, then the script will add all associated animations and will add information to the animation controller. However, it will not add parameters to VRC and will not add a toggle. You can manually add these if you wish to.
If the creator of the accessory already includes animation clips for you to use (because clothing items interact with one another), you can now manually add those in using the Custom Animations panel. If you do not select an AnimationClip, ApplyAccessories will follow default behavior and just create one for you. If you do select an AnimationClip, be aware that any blend shapes registered further below will not be applied to that AnimationClip.
The functionality of associating blendshapes has not changed, however, there is now a dropdown menu to select the correct blend shape (no more guessing and checking).
And last, but certainly not least, undo now works as expected, so if something isn't working, you can just roll it back!