π a Collection of scripts and libraries to speed up sotware development process
You can install aspri by using one of these method
- Download the latest binary from release branch
- Extract the binary to your
directory - Make sure the binary is executable
- Run :
go get github.com/artistudioxyz/aspri
- Re-initiate go.mod :
rm go.mod && go mod init aspri
- Go Install :
go install
- to Generate binary for other OS :
- to Generate binary for other OS :
- Please add your Go install directory to your system's shell path. Learn More
- Tutorial in bahasa can be found here
- Calculate Contribution :
--contribution --date-start {date} --date-end {date} --path {workdir}
ChatGPT :
- Start Chat :
--chatgpt --api-key {API_KEY}
- The chat support multiple line, don't forget to end it with
to get an answer. - Get the api key from here
- The chat support multiple line, don't forget to end it with
Docker :
- Stop and Remove Container :
--docker --prune -id {identifier}
- Compose restart (down & up) :
--docker-compose --restart -f {filename}
File :
- Asset minifier (.js and .css) :
--minify --path {workdir}
- Count files containing text :
--file --count --path {workdir} --text {text} --exclude {dirname}
- Directory Stats :
--dir --stats --path {workdir}
- Extract Urls :
--extract-url --path {workdir} --url {url}
- Find files older than :
--file --find --older-than --days {days} --regex {regex} --path {workdir} --dry-run
- Find files younger than :
--file --find --younger-than --days {days} --regex {regex} --path {workdir} --dry-run
- Find files between dates :
--file --find --between --start {start} --end {end} --regex {regex} --path {workdir} --dry-run
- Remove Directories or Files Nested by Filenames :
- Remove Directories
--dir --remove --dirname {dirname} --path {workdir}
- Remove Files
--file --remove --f {filename} --path {workdir}
- Remove Directories
- Remove Files Nested Except Extensions :
--file --remove --ext {.php} --except {composer.json} --path {workdir}
- Remove Files older than x days matching regex nested :
--file --remove --older-than --days {days} --regex {regex} --path {workdir} --dry-run
- Remove Directory older than x days :
--dir --remove --older-than --days {days} --level {0} --path {workdir} --dry-run
- Search and Replace :
- in Directory :
--search-replace --path {dir} --from {text} --to {text}
- in File :
--search-replace -f {filename} --from {text} --to {text}
- in Directory :
- Standardize directory name :
--dir --standardize --path {workdir}
- Support Multiple Params
- Dirname :
--dirname {dirname}
- Filename :
-f {filename}
- Except :
--except {except}
- Extension :
--ext {ext}
- Dirname :
Git :
- Commit and Push :
--git -m {message}
- Gone :
--git --gone
- Reset to previous state (Ignore changes and Remove untracked files) :
--git --reset
- Reset Cache :
--git --reset-cache
Markdown :
- Extract markdown content by heading :
--md --path {workdir} --heading {heading}
- Extract markdown headings :
--md --path {workdir} --heading {heading}
- Remove Link from Markdown File :
--md --remove-link --path {workdir}
NoIP :
- Update Hostname :
--noip --update -u {username} -p {password} --hostname {hostname}
- List all class in directory nested :
--php --list-class --path {workdir}
- List all function in directory nested :
--php --list-function --path {workdir}
- List function call in directory nested :
--php --list-function-call --path {workdir} --functionname {functionname}
- Support Multiple Params
- FunctionName :
--functionname {FunctionName}
- FunctionName :
- PHPCS Install Ruleset :
--phpcs --install
- Generate Rsync command based on rsync.json :
- Self Update :
Quotes :
- Quote of the day :
- Remove all conflicts files after certain days :
--syncthing --remove-conflicts --days {days} --dry-run
- Refactor Dot Framework :
--wp-refactor --path {workdir} --from {namespace} --to {namespace} --type {plugin|theme}
- WP Clean Project Files for Production :
--wp-clean --path {workdir} --type {wordpress|github}
- WP Plugin Build Check :
--wp-plugin-build-check --path {workdir}
- Build WP Plugin :
--wp-plugin-build --path {workdir} --type {wordpress|github}
- Release WP Plugin :
--wp-plugin-release --path {workdir} --to {version}
- Build WP Plugin :
- WP Theme Build Check :
--wp-theme-build-check --path {workdir}
- Build WP Plugin :
--wp-theme-build --path {workdir} --type {wordpress|github}
- Build WP Plugin :
- WP Tag Trunk for Subversion (SVN) :
--wp-tag-trunk --path {workdir}
- Extract YouTube Video Data :
--youtube --extract --path {filepath}
- Help support me by giving a π or donate