This is a Tetris style game where instead of bricks, we have are small circular objects called puyos. The puyos fall as a pair and can be rotated using the arrow keys. The goal is to group puyos of similar color. The game is developed using Java programming language and Swing library was used for graphics.
==================HOW TO LAUNCH PUYO-PUYO THE GAME========= 1)Open command prompt and change to the directory containing the extracted binaries. Make sure the directory contains the folders - arun and images 5)Type - "java arun.puyo.v1_1.LaunchPuyo" to run the game. Please make sure the PATH variable is set to the JAVA bin directory
==================HOW TO COMPILE THE SOURCE CODE========= 1)Open Command prompt 2)Change to the directory containing the source. Since the entire code is part of a single java package, all you need to do is change to the directory arun/puyo/v1_1 and compile all files using the command 'javac *.java'
=================HOW TO PLAY THE GAME===================
- To Start game press "ENTER" key 2)Use Left/Right Arrow keys to move the Puyos left or right 3)Use Up Arrow key to rotate the outer puyo in anti-clockwise direction 4)Use Esc key to pause the game at anytime 5)The score is displayed on the right top corner of the screen 6)The difficulty level is displayed on the top left corner of the screen