SCADA/ICS Analysis - Results from Direct Connection to the Internet
Data obtained from Project RUGGEDTRAX was conducted between 14-Oct-2014 through and including 27-Dec-2014. The author and/or contributors are providing the data 'quod est necessarium est licitum' as well as 'quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur'. Usage of this data may be expounded upon for academic, as well as, foor non-profit purposes; however, any data utilized for profit and/or commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Should the data be utilized for academic, or for non-profit purposes, please provide accreditation to 'Infracritical'.
Breakdown of files:
"cnt-iponly.csv" is a CSV file with counts per IP address, arranged in largest to smallest count.
"cnt-country.csv" is a CSV file with counts and percentages per country, arranged in largest to smallest count.
"cnt-accounts.csv" is CSV file with counts per attempted accounts, arranged alphabetically A through Z.
"cnt-complete.csv" is a CSV file that is the ENTIRE log file, with date and time of logged event, along with account attempted, IP address, and country identified.