Simplified Serialization with Property Wrappers
Move your Codable and (En/De)coder customization to annotations!
struct YourType: Codable {
var millisecondsDate: Date
var someData: Data
var temporaryProperty
2.0's released! Release Notes
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.0" )),
pod 'CodableWrappers', '~> 2.0.0'
- @EncodeNulls *New in 2.0*
- Lossy Collections *New in 2.0*
- Empty Defaults *New in 2.0*
- Other Fallbacks *New in 2.0*
- @OmitCoding
- @Base64Coding
- @SecondsSince1970DateCoding
- @MillisecondsSince1970DateCoding
- @DateFormatterCoding<DateFormatterStaticCoder>
- @ISO8601DateCoding
- @ISO8601DateFormatterCoding<ISO8601DateFormatterStaticCoder>
- @NonConformingFloatCoding<ValueProvider>
- @NonConformingDoubleCoding<ValueProvider>
- Bool Coding
- Additional Customization
- Property Mutability
- Only Encoding or Decoding
- Property Mutability *New in 2.0*
- Optionals *New in 2.0*
- Only Encoding or Decoding
- Declarative
- Extendable
- Declare once for all Encoders and Decoders. (e.g. JSONEncoder and PropertyListEncoder)
- Custom (de/en)coding without overriding
encode(to: Encoder)
orinit(with decoder)
for your whole Type - Varied (de/en)coding strategies allowed
- Cross Platform
2.x has a Swift 5.2 as it's minimum. 5.1 is available on 1.x
For a Property that should encode null
for nil
struct MyType: Codable {
var myText: String? // Will not be omitted when nil, e.g. will encode to `null` in JSON and `$null` in PLISTs
Filters null values during decoding without throwing an Error
private struct LossyCollectionModel: Codable, Equatable {
var array: [String] // Ignores null values without throwing an Error
var dictionary: [String:String] // Ignores null values without throwing an Error
var set: Set<String> // Ignores null values without throwing an Error
When you want to encode/decode an empty value rather than decoding nil or omitting encoding
struct MyType: Codable {
var int: Int? // will encode `0` when nil
var string: String // will decode to "" when value was missing/nil
var array: [Int]? // will encode/decode to [] when missing/nil
All Empty Values
defaults are available for most typical Foundation Types
Any other kind of default can be provided by a custom FallbackValueProvider
public struct DistantFutureDateProvider: FallbackValueProvider {
public static var defaultValue: Date { Date.distantFuture }
struct MyType: Codable {
var updatedDate: Date?
For a Property you want to be ignore when (en/de)coding
struct MyType: Codable {
var myText: String? // Never encodes and ignores a value if one is in decoded data.
For a Data property that should be serialized to a Base64 encoded String
struct MyType: Codable {
var myData: Data // Now encodes to a Base64 String
For a Date property that should be serialized to SecondsSince1970
struct MyType: Codable {
var myDate: Date // Now encodes to SecondsSince1970
For a Date property that should be serialized to MillisecondsSince1970
struct MyType: Codable {
var myDate: Date // Now encodes to MillisecondsSince1970
For other Date formats create a Type that adheres to the DateFormatterStaticCoder
Protocol and use the convenience @DateFormatterCoding
or @CodingUses<StaticCoder>
struct MyCustomDateCoder: DateFormatterStaticCoder {
static let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "MM:dd:yy H:mm:ss"
return formatter
struct MyType: Codable {
var myDate: Date // Now encodes to the format: "MM:dd:yy H:mm:ss"
For a Date property that should be serialized using the ISO8601DateFormatter
struct MyType: Codable {
var myDate: Date // Now encodes to ISO8601
For other Date formats create a Type that adheres to the ISO8601DateFormatterStaticCoder
Protocol and use the convenience @ISO8601DateFormatterCoding
or @CodingUses<StaticCoder>
@available(macOS 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *)
struct MyCustomISO8601DateFormatter: ISO8601DateFormatterStaticCoder {
static let iso8601DateFormatter: ISO8601DateFormatter = {
let formatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
formatter.formatOptions = [.withInternetDateTime, .withDashSeparatorInDate]
return formatter
struct MyType: Codable {
var myDate: Date // Now encodes with MyCustomISO8601DateFormatter's formatter
When using a non-conforming Float, create a Type that adheres to NonConformingDecimalValueProvider and use @NonConformingFloatCoding<NonConformingDecimalValueProvider>
struct MyNonConformingValueProvider: NonConformingDecimalValueProvider {
static var positiveInfinity: String = "100"
static var negativeInfinity: String = "-100"
static var nan: String = "-1"
struct MyType: Codable {
var myFloat: Float // Now encodes with the MyNonConformingValueProvider values for infinity/NaN
When using a non-conforming Double, create a Type that adheres to NonConformingDecimalValueProvider and use @NonConformingDoubleCoding<NonConformingDecimalValueProvider>
struct MyNonConformingValueProvider: NonConformingDecimalValueProvider {
static var positiveInfinity: String = "100"
static var negativeInfinity: String = "-100"
static var nan: String = "-1"
struct MyType: Codable {
var myFloat: Float // Now encodes with the MyNonConformingValueProvider values for infinity/NaN
Sometimes an API uses an Int
or String
for a booleans.
struct MyType: Codable {
var myBool: Bool // Now encodes/decodes as a String. `"true"` for `true` and `"false"` for `false`. (Values are lower-cased before decoding)
struct MyType: Codable {
var myBool: Bool // Now encodes/decodes as an Int. `1` for `true` and `0` for `false`.
The architecture was built with extensibility in mind so Implementing your own custom coding is as simple as adhering to the StaticCoder
. You can then simply add @CodingUses<YourCustomCoder>
to your property, or create a typealias
to make it cleaner: typealias YourCustomCoding = CodingUses<YourCustomCoder>
In fact all the included Wrappers are built the same way!
struct NanosecondsSince9170Coder: StaticCoder {
static func decode(from decoder: Decoder) throws -> Date {
let nanoSeconds = try Double(from: decoder)
let seconds = nanoSeconds * 0.000000001
return Date(secondsSince1970: seconds)
static func encode(value: Date, to encoder: Encoder) throws {
let nanoSeconds = value.secondsSince1970 / 0.000000001
return try nanoSeconds.encode(to: encoder)
// Approach 1: CustomCoding
struct MyType: Codable {
var myData: Date // Now uses the NanosecondsSince9170Coder for serialization
// Approach 2: CustomEncoding Property Wrapper typealias
typealias NanosecondsSince9170Coding = CodingUses<NanosecondsSince9170Coder>
struct MyType: Codable {
var myData: Date // Now uses the NanosecondsSince9170Coder for serialization
Take a look at these other examples to see what else is possible.
In 2.0 all wrappers are Mutable by default and can be made Immutable via Property Wrapper Composition
struct MyType: Codable {
@Immutable @SecondsSince1970DateCoding
var createdAt: Date
var updatedAt: Date
mutating func update() {
createdAt = Date() // ERROR - Cannot assign to property: 'createdAt' is a get-only property
updatedAt = Date() // Works!
2.0 introduces @OptionalCoding<StaticCodingWrapper>
to enable Optionals for a property.
struct MyType: Codable {
var createdAt: Date
var updatedAt: Date?
Sometimes you are only able/wanting to implement Encoding or Decoding.
To enable this, (where practical/possible), all of the included Wrappers have Encoding and Decoding variants
Change Coder to Encoder/Decoder or Coding to Encoding/Decoding to implement only one
E.g. @Base64Encoding
, @SecondsSince1970DateDecoding
, @EncodingUses<ACustomEncoder>
, etc.
struct MyType: Encodable {
var myDate: Date
struct MyType: Decodable {
var myDate: Date
If there is a standard Serialization strategy that could be added feel free to open an issue requesting it and/or submit a pull request with the new option.