PT. Atmatech Global Informatika
- Yogyakarta
- https://arynas.xyz
- @AryNas04
flask-atlantis-dark Public template
Forked from app-generator/flask-atlantis-darkAtlantis Lite - Flask (Dark Version) | AppSeed
flask-datta-able Public template
Forked from app-generator/flask-datta-ableDatta Able - Open-Source Flask Dashboard | AppSeed
asr-corpus-creator Public
Forked from egorsmkv/asr-corpus-creatorThis app is intended to automatically create a corpus for ASR systems using pseudo-labeling.
ML-For-Beginners Public
Forked from microsoft/ML-For-Beginners12 weeks, 26 lessons, 52 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all
TALPCo Public
Forked from matbahasa/TALPCoTUFS Asian Language Parallel Corpus
ML-foundations Public
Forked from jonkrohn/ML-foundationsMachine Learning Foundations: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics & Computer Science
wav2vec2-pretraining Public
Forked from holylovenia/wav2vec2-pretraining -
Computer-Vision-Basics-with-Python-Keras-and-OpenCV Public
Forked from jrobchin/Computer-Vision-Basics-with-Python-Keras-and-OpenCVFull tutorial of computer vision and machine learning basics with OpenCV and Keras in Python.
CNNGestureRecognizer Public
Forked from asingh33/CNNGestureRecognizerGesture recognition via CNN. Implemented in Keras + Tensorflow/Theano + OpenCV
TransformerBasedGestureRecognition Public
Forked from aimagelab/TransformerBasedGestureRecognition -
Gesture-Recognition-Case-study-IIITB-Assignment- Public
Forked from prateekralhan/Gesture-Recognition-Case-study-IIITB-Assignment-A deeplearning based approach to classify human gestures for smart appliances.
sinta-scrap Public
Script untuk mengambil data publikasi dari Sinta
malaya-speech Public
Forked from mesolitica/malaya-speechSpeech Toolkit for bahasa Malaysia, https://malaya-speech.readthedocs.io/
ml-audio-start Public
Forked from drscotthawley/ml-audio-startSuggestions for those interested in developing audio applications of machine learning
1 UpdatedMar 31, 2021 -
stif-indonesia Public
Forked from haryoa/stif-indonesiaImplementation of "Semi-Supervised Low-Resource Style Transfer of Indonesian Informal to Formal Language with Iterative Forward-Translation".
nerindo Public
Forked from yoseflaw/nerindoNamed Entity Recognition with BiLSTM, CRF, and Attention-based models implemented in PyTorch for Indonesian News.
hands-on-time-series-analylsis-python Public
Forked from Apress/hands-on-time-series-analylsis-pythonSource Code for 'Hands-on Time Series Analysis with Python' by B V Vishwas and Ashish Patel
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedSep 8, 2020 -
NLP_bahasa_resources Public
Forked from louisowen6/NLP_bahasa_resourcesA Curated List of Dataset and Usable Library Resources for NLP in Bahasa Indonesia
1 UpdatedJul 16, 2020 -
markdown-it Public
Forked from markdown-it/markdown-itMarkdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
Laravel-CoreUI-AdminPanel Public
Forked from LaravelDaily/Laravel-CoreUI-AdminPanelBoilerplate adminpanel: Laravel 6.0 + CoreUI Theme (Bootstrap 4) and simple CRUD examples. Based on new QuickAdminPanel 2019.
indonesian-mt-data Public
Forked from gunnxx/indonesian-mt-dataBenchmarking Multidomain English-Indonesian Machine Translation
Laravel-Event-Conference-Demo Public
Forked from LaravelDaily/Laravel-Event-Conference-DemoLaravel 6 demo project to manage conference/event data. Adminpanel generated with https://2019.quickadminpanel.com
vue-d3-network Public
Forked from aitgelion/vue-d3-networkVue component to graph networks using d3-force
AppStore Public
Forked from pr3sh/AppStoreScraped Apple's App Store's most popular apps using scrapy, and performed some Exploratory Data Analysis on data, after preprocessing
ML-From-Scratch Public
Forked from eriklindernoren/ML-From-ScratchMachine Learning From Scratch. Bare bones NumPy implementations of machine learning models and algorithms with a focus on accessibility. Aims to cover everything from linear regression to deep lear…
black-dashboard Public
Forked from laravel-frontend-presets/black-dashboardBlack Frontend Preset For Laravel Framework 5.5 and Up
Automated-Cardiac-Segmentation-and-Disease-Diagnosis Public
Forked from mahendrakhened/Automated-Cardiac-Segmentation-and-Disease-DiagnosisFully Convolutional Multi-scale Residual DenseNets for Cardiac Segmentation and Automated Cardiac Diagnosis using Ensemble of Classifiers