- Language: Golang
- Framework: Echo
Update config file
with required credentials -
Create new database
in postgress -
Create new schema
inside database -
Add Admin user
- sql
INSERT INTO "banking-system".employee (id,"name",email,"password","type",created_by,updated_by) VALUES ('df7df0a1-0121-49d4-8ad8-9ede2d1fb12e'::uuid,'admin-user','[email protected]','dGVzdFBhc3N3b3Jk','ADMIN','system','system'
- Note: Password should be base64 encoded
Install wkhtmltopdf using below command
sudo apt install wkhtmltopdf
- for Ubuntubrew install Caskroom/cask/wkhtmltopdf
- For Mac
go run main.go
- Admin role with features:
- Sign in/out as admin.
- Add bank employees.
- Delete employees.
- Employee role with feature:
- Sign in/out as an employee.
- Create a customer.
- Create accounts like savings, salary, loan, current account etc.
- Link customers with accounts.
- Update KYC for a customer.
- Get details of a customer.
- Delete customer.
- Get account balance for an account.
- Transfer money from one account to another.
- Print Account statement of an account for a time range in pdf.
- Calculate interest for the money annually (at 3.5% p.a.) and update the account balance.
- Business Logic sits inside
. - Independent module, which do not contain any business logic is in
folder - All the Database calls are made through repository
- Service layer contains business logic
- Handler process incoming data and send it to service layer
- Router calls handler method
- Factory create instances of handlers and pass it to router
- Authentication is a middleware which enables authtication of API calls
- Configuration package enables configuring of variable
- JWT module is reponsible for creation and verification of jwt tokens
- Employee and customer are independent entity
- Account are associated with Customer
- KYC details are associated with Customer
- Transactions are associated with Accounts
- To Note
- For generating PDF file, I have create a html template, which can styled accordingly, which being converted to PDF.
- For the feature of depositing interest rate we have to setup a A CRON/Scheduler to be run every year.