CSrankings Public
Forked from emeryberger/CSrankingsA web app for ranking computer science departments according to their research output in selective venues, and for finding active faculty across a wide range of areas.
dis Public
DIS: blockDevice over Immutable Storage
fxmark Public
Forked from sslab-gatech/fxmarkFxMark: Filesystem Multicore Scalability Benchmark
Filebench WML MIT License UpdatedNov 5, 2021 -
go-tcmu Public
Forked from coreos/go-tcmuGo SCSI emulation via the Linux TCM in Userspace module
lsdn Public
LSDN: Linux Software Defined Network
discoverer Public
Discoverer: Deep Relational Learning with Predicate Invention
python-course Public
Labs for Python Course on Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University