Remove AV/EDR Kernel ObRegisterCallbacks、CmRegisterCallback、MiniFilter Callback、PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine Callback、PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine Callback、PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine Callback...
🇺🇦 Windows driver with usermode interface which can hide processes, file-system and registry objects, protect processes and etc
darkPulse是一个用go编写的shellcode Packer,用于生成各种各样的shellcode loader,免杀火绒,360核晶等国内常见杀软。
MemoryModule which compatible with Win32 API and support exception handling
Simulate the behavior of AV/EDR for malware development training.
A proof-of-concept Cobalt Strike Reflective Loader which aims to recreate, integrate, and enhance Cobalt Strike's evasion features!
Stealing Signatures and Making One Invalid Signature at a Time
The wolfSSL library is a small, fast, portable implementation of TLS/SSL for embedded devices to the cloud. wolfSSL supports up to TLS 1.3 and DTLS 1.3!
HWSyscalls is a new method to execute indirect syscalls using HWBP, HalosGate and a synthetic trampoline on kernel32 with HWBP.
Zero-Day Code Injection and Persistence Technique
My implementation of enSilo's Process Doppelganging (PE injection technique)
C++ self-Injecting dropper based on various EDR evasion techniques.
Windows 驱动开发技术详解 张帆 史彩成
ScareCrow - Payload creation framework designed around EDR bypass.
sbousseaden / injection-1
Forked from jymcheong/injectionWindows process injection methods
Native API header files for the System Informer project.
Some ways to inject a DLL into a alive process
rp++ is a fast C++ ROP gadget finder for PE/ELF/Mach-O x86/x64/ARM/ARM64 binaries.
PoC memory injection detection agent based on ETW, for offensive and defensive research purposes