Used the Django web framework to create a website where users can:
- add, update, delete flashcard sets
- create a user account
- study their flashcard sets or flashcard sets created by other users
- created Django Models to represent objects such as flashcards and users
- set up a virtual environment for the Django project
- learned about URL patterns and URL routing
- rendered data from the database with a Django model
- designed the website and followed web standards outlined by w3
- learned about CSS animations
- learned how to make the website dynamic by using JavaScript
- a search flashcard set page to search for flashcard sets made by other users
- an option to make the flashcard sets public or private
- an option to study only the flashcards that are starred
learned the basics of Django from this helpful video tutorial
researched about how to do web animations for the study flashcard page:
- learned how to flip a card using CSS from this interactive tutorial
- learned how to create a slideshow using CSS from this example
learned about how to set up the login and logout functionality from this well-written tutorial
learned about how the basics of JavaScript from this website