This repository holds the pipeline for prediction of actively translated small open reading frames (smORFs) in the immune system.
To download the source code, please use git to download the most recent development tree. Currently, the tree is hosted on github, and can be obtained via:
git clone git://
- Samtools and HTSlib
- bedtools
- Bowtie
- FastQC
- Trim Galore
- plastid
- StringTie
- GNU Parallel (recommended)
- R
- Bioconductor
R/Bioconductor packages:
We will use Diaz-Muñoz et al, 2015 LPS activated B cell dataset as an example to demonstrate typical workflow.
Download raw sequencing data from EBI:
RNA-Seq -
Ribo-Seq -
- Check if all the dependencies are isntalled
bash ./
- Download and generate files that are used in the pipeline
bash ./ -o mouse -r M22 -t 4
- Generate putative ORFs
bash ./ -o \"Mus musculus\" -t 8
- Ribosome profiling (Ribo-Seq) data processing
bash ./ -f ./out/data/ribo-seq/ribo.fastq.gz -a AAAAAAAAAAA -t 4
- RNA-Seq data processing
bash ./ -f ./out/data/rna-seq/rna.fastq.gz -t 4
- ORF calling
bash ./ -o mouse -x 10090 -m 32 -n 28 -t 8
The final output file in info_table directory is in BED12 format with extension.
column | Description |
1 - 12 | See BED format definition. Col 4 is the ORFId |
13 | smORF class, e.g. canonical, five_prime. |
14 | Peptide length (AA) |
15 | RegionId, it is possible muliple ORFIds (transcript-based) map to a unique regionId (genomic-based) |
16 | Ensembl transcript Id |
17 | Gene symbol |
18 | Gene description |
19 | ORF score |
20 | Ribosome release score |
21 | Ribo FPFM |
22 | RNA FPKM |
23 | Translation efficiency (TE) |
24 | Main ORF TE (NA if host transcript is noncoding) |
We recommand to run a test on a virtual machine, e.g. VirtualBox with a minimal ISO (e.g. CentOS 7 minimal). Users can install all dependencies via miniconda, for example:
# Tools to install on CentOS before miniconda
yum -y install gcc tar bzip2 git which
curl -fsSL -o
# assume miniconda is installed in the home directory
bash -b -p ~/miniconda2
export PATH=~/miniconda2/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=~/miniconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages
conda install -y -c conda-forge wget
conda install -y -c conda-forge parallel
conda install -y -c bioconda samtools
conda install -y -c bioconda htslib
conda install -y -c bioconda bedtools
conda install -y -c bioconda bedops
conda install -y -c bioconda bowtie
conda install -y -c bioconda fastqc
conda install -y -c bioconda cutadapt
conda install -y -c bioconda trim-galore
conda install -y -c bioconda star
conda install -y -c bioconda stringtie
conda install -y -c bioconda sra-tools
conda install -y -c bioconda emboss
conda install -y -c bioconda plastid
conda install -y -c bioconda bioconductor-rhtslib
Rscript -e 'install.packages("BiocManager", repos=""); BiocManager::install(c("riboSeqR", "GenomicFeatures", "rtracklayer"))'
We have a script to run all the steps mentioned above, you can simply pull the source code and run it as:
git clone
cd ORFLine
chmod +x *.sh
bash ./
We have created a Singularity image, the repository is here, users can pull and run a test as:
singularity pull shub://boboppie/ORFLine-singularity # the default name of the image is ORFLine-singularity_latest.sif
singularity run ORFLine-singularity_latest.sif
We recommend to use GENCODE annotation (GTF/GFF3 files) and genome and transcript sequences (Fasta files) for Human and Mouse. For other species, we have used Ensembl annotation for Zebrafish. tRNA sequences can be downloaded from UCSC Table Browser.
For example, we have downloaded the following public sequences and annotation files for Mouse:
File | Type | Region | Source |
Genome sequence, primary assembly | Nucleotide sequence of the GRCm38 primary genome assembly (Fasta format) | PRI (reference chromosomes and scaffolds) | GENCODE |
Transcript sequences | Nucleotide sequences of all transcripts (Fasta format) | CHR (reference chromosomes only) | GENCODE |
Protein-coding transcript sequences | Nucleotide sequences of coding transcripts (Fasta format) | CHR | GENCODE |
LncRNA transcript sequences | Nucleotide sequences of lncRNA transcripts (Fasta format) | CHR | GENCODE |
Comprehensive gene annotation | The main annotation file (GTF and GFF3 format) | CHR | GENCODE |
LncRNA gene annotation | comprehensive gene annotation of lncRNA genes (GTF and GFF3 format) | CHR | GENCODE |
tRNA sequences | Nucleotide sequences of tRNA genes predicted by UCSC using tRNAscan-SE (Fasta format) | CHR | UCSC Table Browser |
Example options to download mouse tRNA sequences from UCSC table brower:
- clade: Mammal
- genome: Mouse
- assembly: Dec 2011. (GRCm38/mm10)
- group: All Tracks
- track: tRNA Genes
- table: tRNAs
- output format: sequence
We combined GENCODE protein-coding transcripts and LncRNA transcripts to form reference transcriptome. Users can potentially assemble the transcriptome using RNA-seq data (e.g. Cufflinks), however, Studies have shown that computational approaches produce a large number of artefacts (false positives), which absorbed a substantial proportion of the reads from truly expressed transcripts and were assigned large expression estimates.
We do not consider the following biotypes:
- IG_* and TR_* (Immunoglobulin variable chain and T-cell receptor genes)
- miRNA
- misc_RNA
- Mt_rRNA and Mt_tRNA
- rRNA and ribozyme
- scaRNA, scRNA, snoRNA, snRNA and sRNA
- nonsense_mediated_decay
- non_stop_decay
For example, transcriptome can be generated by:
# Assume the source code is in ~/code/github/ORFLine/
# Mouse GENCODE M13 reference files are in ~/ref/GENCODE/mouse/M13/
# Transcript sequence file downloaded from GENCODE is named gencode.vM13.transcripts.fa.gz, and placed in ~/ref/GENCODE/mouse/M13/fasta/transcriptome/
# The newly generated transcript sequence file name is transcripts_biotype_filtered.fa
cd ~/ref/GENCODE/mouse/M13/fasta/transcriptome/
~/code/github/ORFLine/script/ -v 'IG_*|TR_*|miRNA|misc_RNA|Mt_*|rRNA|scaRNA|scRNA|snoRNA|snRNA|sRNA|ribozyme|nonsense_mediated_decay|non_stop_decay' <(gzip -dc <gencode_transcripts.fa.gz>) > <transcriptome.fa>
Given transcriptome sequences, we exhaustively searched for putative ORFs beginning with a start codon (“ATG”, “TTG”, “CTG”, “GTG”) and ending with a stop codon ("TAG", "TAA", "TGA") without an intervening stop codon in between in each of the three reading frames.
Code to generate putative ORFs:
# Arguments:
# START_CODON - start codon, can be “ATG”, “TTG”, “CTG”, “GTG”
# TRANSCRIPTOME_FASTA - transcriptome file location, assume is it in ~/ref/GENCODE/mouse/M13/fasta/transcriptome
# GTF - gene annotation file, assume it is in ~ref/GENCODE/mouse/M13/annotation/CHR/comprehensive/, and named gencode.vM13.annotation.gtf
# ORGANISM - scientific name, e.g. Mus musculus
# NCORE - number of computing cores if you want the process to be multi-threading, default 1
# for example, they can be assigned as:
# TRANSCRIPTOME_FASTA=~/ref/GENCODE/mouse/M13/fasta/transcriptome/transcripts_biotype_filtered.fa
# GTF=~ref/GENCODE/mouse/M13/annotation/CHR/comprehensive/gencode.vM13.annotation.gtf
# ORGANISM="Mus musculus"
# Output:
# The output file is in BED12 format ( and named orf_$START_CODON.bed
Rscript ~/code/github/ORFLine/script/ORFPredict.R <start_codon> <transcriptome.fa> <annotation.gtf> <organism_scientific_name> <threads>
In the output file, a unique ID is given for each ORF, for example:
the fields separated by colons are transcript ID, gene symbol, transcript biotype, transcript start, transcript stop, reading frame, start codon.
User can ran the R script for each start codon and keep them in the same directory.
We are interesed in smORFs (less than 100 codons). In order to filter for them, firstly, we calculate the length of ORFs, for example:
cut -f11 <orfs_ATG.bed> | sed -e 's/,/\t/g' | awk '{for(i=t=0;i<NF;) t+=$++i; $0=t}1' > <orfs_ATG.width>
Then, we only keep the smORFs:
paste -d'\t' <orfs_ATG.bed> <orfs_ATG.width> | awk '$13 <= 303' | cut -f1-12 | sort -k4 > <orfs_ATG.smORFs_100.bed>
Ribo-Seq libraries are in general single-end and reads are 50bp long. We have the following steps to process the raw sequencing data (Fastq format):
fastqc -t <threads> -o <fastqc_dir> <sample.fastq.gz>
2. Adapter and quality trimming. We use Trim Galore (user guide), for example:
# User can give a customized adapter by flag -a, or trim_galore will automatically detect the adapter if it's standard
# To filter for read length, user can use flags such as --length 25 --max_length 35 for min and max length
trim_galore -q 33 --fastqc --trim-n -e 0.1 --stringency 3 <sample.fastq.gz> -o <trim_galore_dir>
In order to remove rRNA/tRNA content or other contaminants in the sample, we used Bowtie (version 1) to align the trimmed reads against specific contaminant sequences assembled from a collection of rRNA, Mt_rRNA, Mt_tRNA, snRNA, snoRNA, misc_RNA, miRNA (from GENCODE) and tRNA (from UCSC) sequences, we also include the following sequences from NCBI:
TPA_exp: Mus musculus ribosomal DNA, complete repeating unit
Mus musculus 45S pre-ribosomal RNA (Rn45s), ribosomal RNA
Mus musculus 28S ribosomal RNA (Rn28s1), ribosomal RNA
Mus musculus strain BALB/c 45S ribosomal RNA region genomic sequence
Mus musculus 4.5s RNA, pseudogene 1 (Rn4.5s-ps1) on chromosome 1
Microarray spike-in control plasmid pNIAysic-5, complete sequence
Human 28S ribosomal RNA gene
Human 28S ribosomal RNA gene, complete cds
Human ribosomal DNA complete repeating unit
Homo sapiens RNA, 45S pre-ribosomal 5 (RNA45S5), ribosomal RNA
Chain 5, Structure Of The H. Sapiens 60s Rrna
NR_046235.3 Homo sapiens RNA, 45S pre-ribosomal (LOC100861532), ribosomal RNA
NR_137294.1 Homo sapiens mitochondrially encoded 12S ribosomal RNA (RNR1), ribosomal RNA
NR_137295.1 Homo sapiens mitochondrially encoded 16S ribosomal RNA (RNR2), ribosomal RNA
There is a copy fo UCSC tRNA and NCBI rRNA sequences to in sequences directory.
Next Bowtie index will be built for the sequences, for example:
# All contaminant sequeneces can be merged in a file, assume named contaimination.fa
bowtie-build <contaimination.fa> <contaimination_bowtie_index_dir>
Then reads will be mapped to contaminant sequeneces, the unmapped reads will be kept for genome alignment, for example:
bowtie -a --best --strata -S --seed 23 -p <threads> --chunkmbs 256 --norc --maqerr=60 --un <trimmed_unfiltered.fq> <contaimination_bowtie_index_dir> <(gzip -dc <trimmed.fq.gz>) <trimmed_filtered.sam>
gzip <trimmed_unfiltered.fq>
We use START aligner. Firstly, we build STAR index for the genome.
# sjdbOverhang is the longest read length - 1
STAR --runThreadN <threads> --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir <star_ribo_dir> --genomeFastaFiles <ref_genome.fa> --sjdbGTFfile <annotation.gtf> --sjdbOverhang <sjdbOverhang>
Then align to the reference genome, for example:
STAR --runThreadN <threads> --genomeDir <star_ribo_dir> \
--readFilesIn <trimmed_unfiltered.fq.gz> --readFilesCommand zcat \
--outReadsUnmapped Fastx --outFileNamePrefix <prefix> \
--alignIntronMin <alignIntronMin> --alignIntronMax <alignIntronMax> --alignEndsType EndToEnd \
--outFilterMismatchNmax <mismatch_max> --outFilterMismatchNoverLmax <mismatch_noverl_max>\
--outFilterType <filter_type> --outFilterIntronMotifs RemoveNoncanonicalUnannotated \
--outSAMattributes <sam_attr> --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --outBAMsortingThreadN <threads>
# Only uniquely mapped reads are kept for ORF calling
samtools view -b -q 255 <Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam> > <sample_q255.bam>
samtools index <sample_q255.bam>
P-site offset is the distance from the 5’ or 3’ end of a ribosome-protected footprint (RPF) to the P-site of the ribosome that generated the footprint. Because the P-site is the site where peptidyl elongation occurs, read alignments from ribosome profiling are frequently mapped to their P-sites. We use plastid Python package to estimate it from Ribo-Seq data.
Firstly, we create a protein coding gene annotation file (GTF format):
# We keep protein coding leve 1 and 2, not seleno proteins
cat <gencode_annotation.gtf> | awk '{if($18=="\"protein_coding\";" && $0~"level (1|2);" && $0!~"tag \"seleno\";" && $0!~"cds_end_NF" && $0!~"cds_start_NF"){print $0}}' | sort -k1,1 -k4,4n | bgzip > <protein_coding.gtf.gz>
tabix -p gff <protein_coding.gtf.gz>
Secondly, we run psite estimation and phasing estimation:
metagene generate <metagene_analysis_dir> \
--landmark cds_start \
--annotation_files <protein_coding.gtf.gz>
psite <metagene_analysis_dir>/protein_coding_rois.txt <psite_dir> \
--min_length 25 \
--max_length 35 \
--require_upstream \
--count_files <sample_q255.bam>
phase_by_size <metagene_analysis_dir>/protein_coding_rois.txt <phasing_dir> \
--count_files <sample_q255.bam> \
--fiveprime_variable \
--offset <psite_dir>/p_offsets.txt \
--codon_buffer 5
The output of for psite offset estimation is like:
length p_offset
25 7
26 8
27 9
28 12
29 12
30 12
31 12
32 13
33 13
34 13
35 13
default 13
The output of phasing is like:
read_length reads_counted fraction_reads_counted phase0 phase1 phase2
25 19781 0.015942 0.332946 0.443304 0.223750
26 26675 0.021498 0.331621 0.264105 0.404274
27 47856 0.038568 0.588829 0.177094 0.234077
28 97003 0.078176 0.461099 0.166923 0.371978
29 216829 0.174745 0.607806 0.175069 0.217125
30 374353 0.301695 0.699292 0.086186 0.214522
31 298826 0.240827 0.534723 0.052951 0.412327
32 121240 0.097709 0.592610 0.329627 0.077763
33 30141 0.024291 0.567732 0.313991 0.118277
34 6519 0.005254 0.557908 0.312931 0.129161
35 1609 0.001297 0.517091 0.324425 0.158484
We can see that read length 29-31 have strong biased for phase0 or reading frame 1 (triplet periodicity, a feature of Ribo-Seq data)
QC and adapter trimming are similar to Ribo-Seq data. RNA-seq data can be longer than 50bp (e.g. 75bp/100bp) and paired-end, when making STAR index, the sjdbOverhang needs to change accordingly (e.g. if the library is 100bp, the sjdbOverhang should be 100-1). One example to align paired-end RNA-seq using STAR:
nice -5 STAR --runThreadN <threads> --genomeDir <star_rna_100_pe_dir> \
--readFilesIn <R1_trimmed.fq.gz> <R2_trimmed.fq.gz> --readFilesCommand zcat \
--alignEndsType EndToEnd \
--outFilterMismatchNmax <mismatch_max> \
--outReadsUnmapped Fastx --outFileNamePrefix <prefix> \
--outSAMattributes <sam_attr> --outSAMunmapped Within --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
--outBAMsortingThreadN <threads>
One additional step is to estimate transcript expression value (FPKM or TPM), only expressed transcripts (FPKM > 0.5) will be considered for ORF calling. We use StringTie to estimate FPKM values, for example:
stringtie <sample_q255.bam> -p <threads> -G <protein_coding.gtf> -eB -o expressed.gtf -A -C cov_refs.gtf
The ORF calling workflow has the following steps:
Given a range of read length (min_len, max_len) based on phasing estimation, the BAM file will be filtered, for example:
samtools view -h <ribo.bam> | awk -v minl="<min_len>" -v maxl="<max_len>" 'length($10) >= minl && length($10) <= maxl || $1 ~ /^@/' | samtools view -bS - > filtered.bam
samtools index filtered.bam
Filter out ORFs with 0 read covered. bedtools is used to count the reads, for example:
parallel -j<threads> "bedtools coverage -counts -split -a <orfs_{}.smORFs.bed> -b <filtered.bam> > <orfs_{}.smORFs.bedtools.counts>" ::: ATG CTG TTG GTG
parallel "awk '\$13 > 0' <orfs_{}.smORFs.bedtools.counts> > <orfs_{}.smORFs.bedtools.greaterThanZeroReads.counts>" ::: ATG CTG TTG GTG
parallel "cut -f1-12 <orfs_{}.smORFs.bedtools.greaterThanZeroReads.counts> > <orfs_{}.smORFs.bedtools.greaterThanZeroReads.bed>" ::: ATG CTG TTG GTG
Not all reads are RPFs, plastid will extract all RPFs given p-site offset information, for example:
parallel "python script/ --annotation_files <orfs_{}.smORFs.bedtools.greaterThanZeroReads.bed> --annotation_format BED --count_files <filtered.bam> --min_length <min_len> --max_length <max_len> --fiveprime_variable --offset <psite_offset_file> --out_prefix {} ." ::: ATG CTG TTG GTG
We will only consider those smORFs whose host transcripts are expressed (by stringtie estimation).
parallel "LC_ALL=C fgrep -f <stringytie_active_transcript_Ids.txt> <plastid_ORFs_{}_translated.txt> > <ORFs_{}_translated_expressed.txt>" ::: ATG CTG TTG GTG
According to their location on host transcript, smORFs will be classified as following:
Class | Description |
canonical | an ORF which exactly coincides with an annotated CDS |
canonical_extended or extended | an ORF starts upstream of an annotated CDS and has the same stop codon as the CDS |
canonical_truncated or truncated | an ORF starts downstream of an annotated CDS, have the same stop codon as CDS |
five_prime or uORF | an ORF which is completely in the annotated 5’UTR of a protein-coding transcript and does not overlap the annotated CDS |
five_prime_overlap or ouORF | an ORF in the annotated 5’UTR of a protein-coding transcript but which overlaps the annotated CDS |
three_prime or dORF | an ORF in the annotated 3’UTR of a protein-coding transcript and does not overlap the annotated CDS |
three_prime_overlap or odORF | an ORF in the annotated 3’UTR of a protein-coding transcript but which overlaps the annotated CDS |
within or internal | an ORF in the interior of an annotated CDS, but in a different frame relative the CDS |
noncoding or ncORF | an ORF from a transcript annotated as noncoding, such as a lncRNA or pseudogene |
ORFScore will be calculated and any smORFs with NA score and low coverage (< 0.1) will be discared, for example:
parallel "Rscript <ORFScore.R> <ORFs_{}_translated_expressed.txt> {}" ::: ATG CTG TTG GTG
cat <ORFScore_*TG.tsv> | sort -k2 -g | awk '{if($2!="NA") print}' > <ORFScore_all_noNA.tsv>
cat <ORFScore_all_noNA.tsv> | awk '{if($2 >0 && $6 >= 0.1) print}' > <ORFScore_all_filteredByCov.tsv>
If a smORF region is overlapping with annotated coding seqeunces (CDSs), estimate the propotion of signal (RPF_CDS/RPF_smORF) it obsorbs from the CDS, if it is greater than 1, the smORF is inside the CDSs and will be filtered out, for example:
Rscript ~/code/github/ORFLine/script/RegionFilter.R . <cds.gtf> <filtered.bam> <threads>
Calculate RRS, filter out rna_ratio < 45 and RRS < 5 (cutoff based on RRS paper)
Rscript script/RRS.R . <rna-seq_bam_dir>
tail -n +2 <RRS_out.tsv> | awk '$2 > 9 && $3 < 30 && $4 > 5' > <RRS_out_filtered.tsv>
ORFs may have the same stop but different start, they are nested, among the nested ORFs, the one with ATG start codon has the highest priority, then the one with max ORFScore will be selected, for example:
Rscript script/NestedRegionFilter.R . <threads>
ORFscore p-vals will be adjusted (q-val), and we set 0.01 as cutoff. In the meantime, we'd like keep the smORFs longer than 10 codons. A stringent constraint is that we expect to see RPFs covering codon 1 and 2, so the mean of RPF is greater than 0. For example:
Rscript script/ORFScore_padj.R <ORFScore_merged_PT_filtered.tsv> <all_withQval>
awk '($4+0) < 0.01' <ORFScore_all_withQval.tsv> > <ORFScore_fdr_filtered.tsv>
# Length filter >= 11aa including stop codon
cat <ORFScore_fdr_filtered.tsv> | cut -f1 | cut -f4,5 -d: | tr ":" "\t" | awk '{print ($2-$1+1)/3}' > <ORFScore_fdr_filtered_len.txt>
paste <ORFScore_fdr_filtered.tsv> <ORFScore_fdr_filtered_len.txt> | awk '$17 >= 11' | cut -f1-16 > <ORFScore_length_filtered.tsv>
# codon_1_2 mean should be greater than 0
awk '$10 > 0' ORFScore_length_filtered.tsv >ORFScore_codon_filtered.tsv
Please report any issues or questions by creating a ticket, or by email to [email protected].