- Prague, CZ
This toy application is an experiment with the idea of use case driven architecture and isolation from frameworks.
A REST-based system for building web applications.
ashmoran / mongoid
Forked from mongodb/mongoidRuby ODM framework for MongoDB
ashmoran / guard-rspec
Forked from guard/guard-rspecGuard::RSpec automatically run your specs (much like autotest)
Indent-aware multiline string handling
ashmoran / sbdb
Forked from ruby-bdb/sbdbSimple BDB wrapper library for bdb
ashmoran / tuple
Forked from ruby-bdb/tupleFast, binary-sortable serialization for arrays of simple Ruby types.
XPManXL2 Bot Contest (ruby_t3 bot)
Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby
A me-too test framework to help me learn C#
Code in branches - dchetwynd was first (second half is Paul Shannon), then seb, which I completed after the event
ashmoran / ohloh_scm
Forked from rcoder/ohloh_scmThe Ohloh source control management library
rspec / rspec.tmbundle
Forked from dchelimsky/rspec-tmbundleTextmate bundle for RSpec.
ashmoran / spork
Forked from sporkrb/sporkA DRb server for testing frameworks (RSpec / Cucumber currently) that forks before each run to ensure a clean testing state.
ashmoran / rspec-core
Forked from rspec/rspec-coreRspec-2 runner and formatters