Convert Markdown text in WordProcessingML using OpenXML specifications
using (Md2Ml.Md2MlEngine engine = new Md2Ml.Md2MlEngine())
engine.CreateDocument(@"D:\DOCX-Playground\Empty.docx", @"D:\DOCX-PlayGround\NewDocumentMd2Ml.docx");
engine.WriteMdText("# Intro\nGo ahead, play around with the editor! Be sure to check out **bold** and *italic* styling, or even [links]( You can type the Markdown syntax, use the toolbar, or use shortcuts like `cmd-b` or `ctrl-b`.\n\n## Lists\nUnordered lists can be started using the toolbar or by typing `*`, `-`, or `+`. Ordered lists can be started by typing `1. `.\n\n### Unordered\n* Lists are a piece of cake\n* They even auto continue as you type\n* A double enter will end them\n* Tabs and shift-tabs work too\n\n### Ordered\n1. Numbered lists...\n2. too!\n\n## What about images?\n\n| Ashok | Arun RD | Himalaya |\n|:-|:-:|-:|\n|As | Ar | 12 |\n|As | Ar | 12 |");
Apart from writing Markdown Text to Worddocument this document also let you draft Word Document from the ground.
Function | Description |
CreateParagraph |
Creates a Paragraph attach it to Document 's body |
CreateNonBodyParagraph |
Create a Paragraph without attaching it to Document . Is this useful for creating tables, pagebreaks etc., |
WriteText |
Writes a plain text to document |
WriteMdText |
Writes Markdown formatted text to document |
WriteWebsiteHyperlink |
Add Hyperlink |
NumberedList |
Adds ordered list to document (Plain text) |
MarkdownNumberedList |
Adds ordered list to document (Markdown formatted text) |
BulletedList |
Adds unordered list to document (Plain text) |
MarkdownBulletedList |
Adds unordered list to document (Markdown formatted text) |
AddPageBreak |
Inserts Pagebreak |
StartBookmark |
Starts Bookmark regions (Useful for creating TOC and Hyperlinks) |
EndBookmark |
Ends Bookmark regions |
CreateTable |
Create a Reference to Table object |
AddTableRow |
Write table cells (Non Formatted) |
AddImage |
Insert image to document from specified URL or file location |
Cleanup |
Clear entire document |
SaveDocument |
Save documnet |